Division of School Effectiveness Office of Instructional Practices and Evaluations
2 1. Opt-Out Criteria for the Current ADEPT Guidelines 2. Timeline for Statewide Implementation of the New Educator Evaluation System
3 Classroom-Based Teachers Induction and Mentoring (Beginning Teachers) Summative (Formal) Evaluations (Annual Teachers) Goals-Based Evaluations (Continuing Teachers) Non Classroom-Based Teachers Library Media Specialists School Guidance Counselors Speech Language Therapists
4 Teacher Effectiveness Scores Proposed Weighting Observation Individual Student Growth School Value-Add Family Input 50%30%10%
5 Principal Performance Scale Based on Two Evaluation Areas Principal Performance Scale School Value Add
6 Teacher Effectiveness Rating Scale ValueEffectiveness Level 5Exemplary (A) 4Highly Effective (B) 3Proficient (C) 2Needs Improvement (D) 1Inadequate (F)
7 Phase School Year SCDE Action Plan Phase I School Year Beta Test Beta test of the Enhanced ADEPT and PADEPP systems The South Carolina Department of Education revised the enhanced evaluation models, based on the results and recommendations from the beta project Phase II School Year Pilot Test Phase II of the Enhanced ADEPT and PADEPP models are being piloted in 12 school districts (47 schools) across the State The South Carolina Department of Education will assist in revising the enhanced evaluation models, based on the results and recommendations from the pilot project Two Requests for Proposals (RFP) will be released to select a Value-Added vendor, and a Teacher Observation Rubric and Online Data Management System Revise the Educator Evaluation Guidelines and present to South Carolina State Board of Education for approval
8 Phase School Year SCDE Action Plan Phase III School Year Development and Implementation Increase the number of schools participating statewide The South Carolina Department of Education will assist in revising the enhanced evaluation models, based on the results and recommendations from year 2 of the pilot project Develop and release opt-out criteria for LEAs Begin collecting and reporting Classroom Value-Add data and School Value-Add Data for training purposes. This will initiate year one of the three year rolling average Provide professional development on the development of LEA-Based Student Learning Objectives Provide Professional Development on parent and student surveys Professional development on rubric adopted by the SBE
9 Phase School Year SCDE Action Plan Phase III Cont. School Year Development and Implementation Revise the Educator Evaluation Guidelines and present to South Carolina State Board of Education for approval Develop and release opt-out criteria for LEAs Revise the Educator Evaluation Guidelines and present to South Carolina State Board of Education for approval Develop and release opt-out criteria for LEAs
10 Phase School Year SCDE Action Plan Phase IV School Year Continued Development and Implementation Implement statewide The South Carolina Department of Education will assist in revising the enhanced evaluation models, based on the results and recommendations from year 2 of the pilot project Intensive trainings The South Carolina Department of Education will monitor the implementation of the evaluation and support models. Improvements will be made and new models added, as needed