Copyright © 2004 Patrick McDermott UC Berkeley Extension There are Two Types of People in the World: 1. Those who divide people into 2 categories 2. Those who do not
Science Scientific American objection –Specialization of brain not that clear –No Experimental Testing of Hypotheses Id|Ego|Superego ≠ Cerebrum|Cerebellum|Medula Not Science, but maybe, like Literature –“The truest truths are told in Fiction” –Scientific or not, Many People use them –Self Fulfilling –Seem to offer insight This very debate illustrates the differences
Types A & B Meyer Friedman & R.H. Rosenman –1950s –Evaluating Coronary Risk Type A: impatient, excessively time- conscious, insecure about one's status, highly competitive, hostile and aggressive, and incapable of relaxation Type B: patient, relaxed, and easy-going Type AB
Intelligences 1.Verbal-Linguistic 2.Logical/Mathematical 3.Visual/Spatial 4.Bodily/Kinesthetic 5.Musical/Rhythmic 6.Intrapersonal 7.Interpersonal 8.Naturalist 9.Existentialist Howard Gardner Harvard psychologist Intelligence, Skill, or Talent? Can also be Learning Preferences
Teaching Styles Lecture Read Write Modeling Try then Teach Apply Group Work To Learn, Teach
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualization Esteem –R-e-s-p-e-c-t Love & Belonging –Family & Friends Safety & Security –(Job Security) Physiological –Air, Food, H 2 O Abraham Maslow, Safety Love Esteem Physical Needs
Self-Actualization 1. Awareness Efficient perception of reality Freshness of appreciation Peak experiences Ethical awareness 2. Honesty Philosophical sense of humor Social interest Deep interpersonal relationships Democratic character structure 3. Freedom Need for solitude Autonomous, independent Creativity, originality Spontaneous 4. Trust Problem centered Acceptance of self, others, nature Resistance to enculturation - identity with humanity
Personality Traits Hackworth, Colonel David H. & Eilhys England, Steel my Soldiers’ Hearts: The Hopeless to Hardcore Transformation of 4 th Battalion, 39 th Infantry, United Sates Army, Vietnam, New York: Rugged Land ( ), 2002, p. 347.
4 Personality Types