Website Website “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Matthew 7:12 1 CHRISTY VAUGHN CANDIDATE TEACHING SUMMIT PRESENTATION SPRING 2014
2 Christy Vaughn Bachelor of Science in Education: Early Childhood Education Free Home Elementary School in Cherokee County 1st Grade Collaborating Teacher: Mrs. Kelly Payne Taught all subjects: Reading including Science & Social Studies Compacting, Language Arts and Math
3 Free Home Elementary School Approx. 342 students in grades K-5 Located in Cherokee County Rural community with low, middle, and upper-class homes School is key to the community Current Principal: Mrs. Karen Carl
4 My Class 26 Students Diversity: - 14 boys- 1 Gifted - 12 girls- 2 SPED - 3 ELL
5 Schedule 7:15-7:45 Arrival & Morning Work 7:45-7:55 Morning Announcements 8:00-8:35 Specials (PE/Art/Music) (Planning) 8:35-8:50 Go over Morning Work 8:50-9:30 Math 9:30-10:00 Calendar/Spelling 10:00-10:15 Snack/Restroom Break 10:15-11:00 Writer’s Workshop/Grammar 11:00-11:40 Restroom/Reading/Science/SS 11:45-12:15 Lunch 12:15-1:30 Reading/Science/SS Differentiated Groups 1:30-2:05 Recess 2:05-2:15 Pack up and Dismissal
6 My Thoughts and Feelings, Fears, Strengths and Weaknesses as I Began Candidate Teaching My strength is time management. I always like to be ahead of the game. Nervous about being up in front of students My mom asked me if I was going to wear a hazmat outfit Love of Children and helping them succeed
7 DOMAIN I: PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency Evidence: Planning for Differentiation Differentiation can occur many places in the classroom in either content, process, or product—I try to vary all of these based on the lesson. My teaching style uses a lot of of hands-on activities so that I can meet the needs of each student at his or her level. I teach in a manner that will interest multiple learning styles, involving music, movement, brain breaks, arts and crafts, visuals and written tasks in my lessons. Planning is determined by the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and weekly planning with collaborating teacher’s recommendations. As we planned each week we pre-determined our groups and then gave the pre- assessment designed by the standards. Grouping students was based on the scores of the pre-assessment – for example: students who scored 8-10 were Group A, 5-7 were Group B and below 5 were Group C Provide New Knowledge Differentiated activities would be based on the group and we would need to tweak them at times based on the abilities of the groups. Post assessment
8 DOMAIN I: PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency Evidence: Observations Lesson Plan #3: Exclamation Mark Lesson Plan #2: ReadingHibernation Lesson Plan #1 Telling Time Lesson Plan #4: Measurement Measurement
9 Pre-Assessment for Telling Time
10 Pre Assessment for Reading/Hibernation Pre – Assessment for Reading is given every 9 weeks through the STAR reading program. We integrate Social Studies and Science into our Reading lessons every week to cover all subject areas. The STAR reading program helps us help the students read level appropriate books during these periods.
11 Pre Assessment for Exclamation Needs additional assistanceIndependent Work AlexCade LeviKate SpencerEthan JorgeKayla BellaIsaac NoahKaden Alynna Ava Megan Aidan Sara Joey Stacy Leland Jessie Charles Lucy Hayden Troy Grace Pre-Assessment Chart based on Morning Message
12 DOMAIN II: PROVIDING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency Evidence: Differentiation: Learning Styles (variation of process) After the whole group lesson, students are provided teacher- guided instruction in differentiated groups in both math and reading. In addition, students work individually at stations (“Math IXL” in Math and “Reading Eggs” in Reading). A lesson is taught whole-group and reviewed as needed with individual students in Reading & Math.
13 DOMAIN II: PROVIDING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency Evidence: Differentiation: Learning Styles (variation of content) Telling Time Differentiated Activities Group 2: Used Judy Clocks Cut/Paste Activity to show analog time since having hard time with analog clocks Group 1: Used Judy Clocks – Showing the correct minute and hour hands to show digital/analog to match Group 3: Ind work where students are able to write time based on analog clock
14 Reading/Hibernation Differentiated Activities Group A: Write Hibernation and then give 5 examples of animals that do so Group B: Draw & Write about what you know and learned about Hibernation Group C: Compare/Contrast Hibernation with a Mouse & Bear
15 Exclamation ! Differentiated Activities Group A: Select which sentences ended in an exclamation point! Group B: View the picture and write a sentence that ends in an exclamation point! Group C: Draw a picture and then write as many sentences as you can about it with exclamation sentences!
16 DOMAIN III: IMPACTING STUDENT LEARNING Proficiency Evidence: From Assessments to Instruction Most of the time students are given the same pre- and post-assessment at the beginning/conclusion of units unless differentiation is needed on the pre/post assessments. Assessments have been formed based on the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. Students are grouped and taught accordingly, based on assessment scores. StudentPre AssessmentPost Assessment Spencer4567 Grace7790 Stacy4763 Jorge4773 Alex4547 Lucy7390 Sara5787! Charles7593 Bella4773 Ethan6287! Jessie7593 Leland6287 Ava87100! Troy8387 Alynna8397! Kaden59 Kate87100! Cade93 Aidan9397! Joey6797 Isaac83 Kayla7593 Megan6287 Hayden6583!
17 Domain III Proficiency Evidence: Impact on Student Learning Name / Cube Activity The student answered all questions correctly The student needed assistance with the questions The student did not attempt the questions Name / Length Activity The student answered 6 questions correctly The student answered 3 to 5 questions correctly The student answered 0 to 2 questions correctly Non Standard Units The student answered all questions correctly The student answered some questions correctly The student did not attempt the questions correctly Post Assessment Will be graded according to % Total531 Inches Activity The student answered all questions correctly The student needed assistance with the questions The student did not attempt the questions Centimeters Activity The student answered 6 questions correctly The student answered 3 to 5 questions correctly The student answered 0 to 2 questions correctly Review on Inches & Centimeters The student answered all questions correctly The student answered some questions correctly The student did not attempt the questions correctly Post Assessment Will be graded according to % Total531
18 Domain III Proficiency Evidence: Use of assessments for instruction Student work is assessed using rubrics and county assessments. Formal assessments (pre- and post-tests) are given at the beginning and completion of a unit. The results are used to form groups for math and reading groups so that students can most benefit from small group instruction among peers of similar skill level. Informal assessments may be used during the unit if groups need to be adjusted. Lesson Analyses: Telling Time Hibernation Exclamation
19 DOMAIN IV: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUPPORT OF DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency Evidence: Professional Associations In-Services and Training Parent/Teacher Conferences Sitton Spelling Training Faculty meetings 8 grade-level meetings 2 parent-teacher conferences
20 Philosophy of Education…then and now My philosophy has not really changed too much in the past couple of years. I want to look at myself everyday and know I did my very best and gave my all to my students to make sure they received the right learning experience in my classroom. I want to provide my students with a nurturing classroom environment where they will receive love, support and guidance as they learn and continue to acquire new knowledge each day. I want to lead by example and provide a classroom where students feel they can explore and learn in many different ways. I’ve always felt the need to have a different way of teaching as long as it was a part of the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards curriculum. Now, that I’ve completed my journey I feel the exact same way as I did when I began. I just am able to put a correct word with my way of teaching. The word is engraved in my mind and heart forever. DIFFERENTIATE!!! My Teaching Philosophy
21 CONTINUING PLAN TO DEVELOP AS A PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR Continuing Education: Master’s Degree Teaching Certification: Full-time employment in public school Presently: Just finished up my student candidate teaching and will be looking for full time employment as a certified teacher in Cherokee, Cobb, Forsyth and Pickens County