Strengths 21st century teacher Knowledge of technology Eager to learn Opportunities Creativity & Innovation Communication & Collaboration Research & Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making Digital Citizenship Threats Access and equity to equipment and software. Access and availability to information Funding. Lack of Support Weaknesses Not enough professional development Not enough experience SWOT ANALYSIS Sub headline Starting Now
Strengths SWOT ANALYSIS Current Strengths 21 century teacher Knowledge of technology Eagar to learn Goals and project plan: strengths The Adaptor, The communicator, The learner, The Visionary, The Leader, The Model, The Collaborator, The Risk taker I will effectively incorporate the use of new technologies such as interactive whiteboards, blogs, wikis, websites, podcasts, and RSS, to communicate with the school community and enhance instruction. Continuing my education by getting my masters in technology.
Weaknesses Current weaknesses SWOT ANALYSIS Not enough professional development Not enough experience teaching Goals and project plan: weaknesses Attend all available professional development. To teach as much as I can. Including summer school after school tutoring, and continue my education.
Opportunities Current opportunities SWOT ANALYSIS CREATIVITY & INNOVATION COMMUNICATION & COLLABORATION RESEARCH & INFORMATION FLUENCY CRITICAL THINKING, PROBLEM SOLVING & DECISION MAKING DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP Goals and project plan: Opportunities create digital lessons that are up to date and fast paced create project using digital tools Will effectively incorporate the use of new technologies such as interactive whiteboards, blogs, wikis, websites, and podcasts, to communicate with the school community and enhance instruction. Will use available technology to foster a global awareness in students and to model technological capabilities with the goal of preparing them for success in a global society. locate information through guided research navigate an age appropriate educational website identify where needed information might be found. understand that research assignments are learning tasks. will increase the use of presentation technology to implement instructional best practices that promote creativity and critical thinking skills in students. will investigate new teaching and learning opportunities using virtual field trips, video conferencing, and streaming video to support curriculum objectives and differentiated learning styles. will participate in the district-wide implementation of the Internet Safety Program. will practice and promote the electronic access Standard Uniform Practice (SUP). will model and exhibit the proper behaviors and expectations of digital citizenship in their leadership roles. will locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
Threats Current threats SWOT ANALYSIS Funding Access and availability to information Lack of support Goals and project plan: threats Learn how to write and participate in grants. Join online blogs, wikis Encourage district support Get support from superintendent Get teachers hooked Provide incentives Show how to save time
Summary SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT summary I will promote technology to foster 21st century skills. I Will incorporate technology in to the curriculum to prop up and enhance student learning. I will use technology to foster a global awareness and to model technological capabilities with the goal of preparing all students to develop into responsible digital citizens. I will learn to effectively use technology as a tool for problem solving, creativity, communication and productivity in order to become successful educator who will be able to meet the changing demands of life and the workplace. I plan to stay up to date and informed with technology. End Date:---