C. HOA AT-MAS-MA 2/02/06 Status of “non standard” ACCEL measurements in MAS Database Content: ACCEL Data MAS SSS Database with ACCEL data Summary
C. HOA AT-MAS-MA 2/02/06 ACCEL Data 259 Axyz files 12/ au 18/11/05 –After 13/07/05 : 66 files One common format with “endmessung” coordinate system Template to extract data available in excel format –1/05/04 to 13/07/05: 166 files One common format but no “endmessung” coordinate system Different coordinate systems for all the workpieces No fuducials data available –12/06/03 to 1/05/04: 45 files No common format, less data (<20 workpieces) No template for automatic extraction EXCEL files generated by ACCEL –No clear correspondence found in the EXCEL and Axyz files. Different coordinate systems. –Trust in the data treatment?
C. HOA AT-MAS-MA 2/02/06 MAS SSS Database with ACCEL data Current database: 66 Cold masses EXCEL template –CERN coordinate system and temperature correction for T=20 C –Extracted data General data Cartography Dimension control Flat Holes Bosses Non conformities upstream BPM-V1 BPM-V2 Documentation with nomenclature and definitions ( C.HOA) CBT-V1 CBT-V2 downstream y x z CERN and Endmessung coordinate systems rely on GA determination with a best fit on 12 fiducials or “bosses”.
C. HOA AT-MAS-MA 2/02/06 MAS SSS Database with ACCEL data Needs for completion –Parameters to add Flange angles for BPM and CBT Distance plan L and CBT flange –Number of CM Update of the 66 CM =211 Axyz files, not relevant, difficult to automatically extract data EXCEL files from ACCEL data treatment to use instead? –No way to check the data, coordinate systems coherence? –Excel macro available for analyses (Zhengwei) »BPM, and V lines »No possible flange angles calculation »To be completed with service lines? –Limited to an analyzing tool for particular cases Update of Patrick’s VB macro
C. HOA AT-MAS-MA 2/02/06 MAS SSS Database with ACCEL data 4 Flange Angles (BPM-V1, BPM-V2, CBT-V1, CBT-V2 ) –Axyz data treatment –Best fit “circle” on 3 or 4 points to determine the plan –Determination of the flange angle –Normal vector of the plan –GA based on the best fit of 12 ‘bosses’ Distances BPM/CBT flanges to downstream endcover –Comparison with CERN data n GA 5589 1.7 mm 64 0.5 mm BPM-V1 BPM-V2 CBT-V1 CBT-V2
C. HOA AT-MAS-MA 2/02/06 SUMMARY Non standard ACCEL data –211 Axyz files and EXCEL files generated by ACCEL –Different coordinate systems –Not possible to trace back to the original GA ACCEL erased data in Axyz files with on going manufacturing processes Analyses: focus on the 66 Axyz files –Complete template with definitive parameters: end of this week (Christine, Patrick) –Update in the MAS SSS database: mid February (Christine, Jerome) –Comparison CERN/ ACCEL data: end of February (Zhengwei and Christine) –Documentation: ACCEL data (nomenclature and definitions) + analyses: end of February/ mid March (Christine)