February 22 nd, 2013 Presenter: Wendy Hoben, ABE teacher
Increase learners’ math & computer skills and confidence through instruction that is: ◦ Differentiated ◦ Personalized ◦ Self-Paced ◦ Measurable ◦ Manageable Our goal was a small “tune-able” pilot rather than trying to maximize # of learners & staff
Feb (A) Schedule lab time - DONE Feb (B) Complete initial recruitment - DONE Mar (C, D) Complete assessment of recruits - DONE Complete IXL training for instructors/tutors DONE June (H) 1st semi-annual report - DONE Nov (E) Complete eval of OTAN ABE- approriate math offerings - Pilot of NROC Developmental Math DONE Jan (H) 2nd semi-annual report DONE Mar (I) Complete final "share out" for other instructors – Participate in TDL Symposium and present to dept. May (H) Final report
Students liked math more than in previous years: They also learned more: Academic year # of students w/pretests # w/paired scores # of students w/pretests % w/paired scores Average gain** 2010/2011* % / %4.06 Fall %5.0
Use of “appropriate” technology for these learners led to new computer skills and confidence, & minimized technical issues Blended model supports “each one/teach one” & use of great classroom volunteers— sense of community is enhanced, not lost Active learning: less time “correcting” work = more time to learn and analyze mistakes
Making time for monitoring—& how to continue after ALOE ends… Orienting learners and volunteers Acknowledging and managing student frustration Aligning online (and paper) resources with students’ needs and with each other Working without adequate IT support
Stopped differentiating between “distance” and “in-class” only learners Other changes were student-initiated: ◦ Un“flipping” instruction/change in lab time ◦ Better alignment of online practice assignments to in- class lessons Some were enabled by new technology: ◦ Use of smart board/pens for group practice ◦ Development of Hippocampus playlists of best video resources from NROC, Khan, YouTube, etc.
Usable reports are key for effective blended environments: Hippocampus playlist—capturing what worked for my students for future use:
Benefits accrued to all students In-class lab time facilitated dispersion of knowledge throughout class Most incoming ABE math learners did not have all the skills to succeed in a pure distance learning setting, but became enthusiastic about learning in a blended setting