A GENDA 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Project Overview 3.Hazard Mitigation Planning Process 4.Stakeholder Participation 5.Planning Timeline 6.Question and Answer Session
W ELCOME AND I NTRODUCTIONS Project Team What is your background? – Municipal Official – Elected Official – Private Sector Employer – Educator – Critical Infrastructure Representative – Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Federal Representatives
What Is Hazard Mitigation? P ROJECT O VERVIEW
Hazard mitigation is any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property resulting from natural and human-made hazards.
What Is a Mitigation Plan? P ROJECT O VERVIEW
A Mitigation Plan is a community-driven, living document that communities use to reduce their vulnerability to hazards.
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Why Have a Mitigation Plan?
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Communities must have a plan to apply for and receive mitigation grants. These grants can augment local mitigation activities already being done. Ultimately, these actions reduce vulnerability, and communities are able to recover more quickly from disasters.
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Hurricane Sandy Presidential Declaration (DR 4099) for 16 Pennsylvania Counties The President issued a Major Disaster Declaration that includes Public Assistance for 16 counties in Pennsylvania and Hazard Mitigation for all 67 counties. The declaration for Public Assistance includes the following counties: Bedford, Bucks, Cameron, Dauphin, Forest, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, Potter, Somerset, Sullivan and Wyoming. County and local governments, authorities, school districts, private non-profits, private nonprofit fire departments and private nonprofit rural electric cooperatives are eligible for assistance. All categories of assistance (Categories A through G) are included for these counties… All 67 counties in Pennsylvania are eligible to apply for assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. More details concerning this program will be made available at a later date. However, all counties should consult their Hazard Mitigation Plans for the potential projects already identified in their counties. Visit for more information on this declaration.
P ROJECT O VERVIEW What is the planning process that is currently occurring in my community?
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Project Background The project began in September 2012 Funded by a Federal Hazard Mitigation Grant Project Planning Team - Lancaster County Emergency Management Agency - Lancaster County Planning Commission - Delta Development Group, Inc. Project Partner Roles - County - Community - Delta Development Group, Inc.
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Primary Objectives Assess Current Conditions, Risks, and Capabilities that Exist Within the County Establish a strategy to reduce the effects of hazards on the County Generate and Deliver County All-Hazard Mitigation with FEMA “approval pending community adoption”
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Six-Step Planning Process 1.Organize resources and convene a Planning Team (PT). 2.Conduct a risk assessment. 3.Assess capabilities. 4.Create a mitigation strategy. 5.Determine the plan’s maintenance process. 6.Obtain Mitigation Plan approval and adoption.
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Hazard Mitigation Planning Process Engage Community and Write the Plan Receive “approved pending adoption” Formally Adopt Plan Implement plan and execute projects Begin 5 year update process Planning Phase (1-2 years) Implementation Phase (5 years) Update Phase (1-2 years)
What are the components of a Hazard Mitigation Plan? H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
Community Profile Planning Process Risk Assessment Capability Assessment Mitigation Strategy Plan Maintenance Plan Adoption
H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS Community Profile Risk Assessment Capability Assessment Mitigation Strategy Planning Process Plan Maintenance Plan Adoption What does the community look like? What hazards do we face? What does everyone bring to the table? How do we reduce our vulnerability to disasters? Break the cycle of disaster
Community Profile Geography and Environment Community Facts Population and Demographics Land Use and Development H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
Planning Process Plan Development and Participation The Planning Team Public and Other Stakeholder Participation Meetings Incorporating Existing Planning Mechanisms H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
Risk Assessment Identifying Hazards Profiling Hazards Vulnerability Assessment H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
Capability Assessment Emergency Management Participation in the NFIP Planning and Regulatory Capability Administrative and Technical Capability Fiscal Capability Political Capability H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
Mitigation Strategy Goals and Objectives Mitigation Techniques Mitigation Action Plan Mitigation Projects H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
Plan Maintenance Monitoring, Evaluating, and Updating the Plan Incorporation into Other Planning Mechanisms Continued Public Involvement The Plan is to be updated five years after the plan becomes official H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
Plan Adoption Contains copies of the adopted HMP from each of the municipalities that participate H AZARD M ITIGATION P LAN C OMPONENTS
As a member of the community what is my role in the planning process? S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION
The role of the community Provide Local Information Identify a potential project in your community Actively Participate in the Planning Process Adopt the plan after the plan is “approved pending community adoption” Work with the County to apply for funding to execute hazard mitigation projects
How can I provide input into the planning process? S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION
Community Members Evaluation of Identified Hazards and Risk Hazard Ranking Worksheet Evaluation of Mitigation Strategy Comment on the HMP Draft Municipal Officials Evaluation of Identified Hazards and Risk Capabilities Assessment Worksheet Hazard Ranking Worksheet Evaluation of Mitigation Strategy NFIP Survey Comment on the HMP Draft Identify a Project in your Municipality
S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION Evaluation of Identified Hazards and Risks This worksheet allows you to evaluate hazards and to identify any new hazards that may exist. PART I: Note any changes in frequency, magnitude, or geographic extent by placing “NC,” “I,” or “D” in the second column within the past five years PART II: Evaluate the list of hazards to determine if other hazards exist in the County
S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION Capability Assessment Survey Information Used to Evaluate Jurisdictional Capabilities and Plan Development One Per Jurisdiction
S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION Hazards Ranking Worksheet Contains the preliminary results of the Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Provides an opportunity to comment on the ranking of hazards in the County Distributed at the Risk Assessment Review Meeting
S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION Evaluation of the Mitigation Strategy Worksheet Contains the preliminary mitigation strategy for the County Allows the opportunity to determine if goals and objectives are in line with that of the community
S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION National Flood Insurance Program Survey Asks various information related to zoning and ordinances related to flooding in the community
S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION Public Draft Comment Form Provide feedback on the draft HMP
S TAKEHOLDER P ARTICIPATION Project Submission Identify a potential project within your community Does not guarantee funding is available or a grant will be awarded, but having the project in the plan helps
T IMELINE & F URTHER I NFORMATION What is the timeline for the project, and how do I find more information about the HMP?
P LANNING T IMELINE DateTask Item September 2012Planning Process Began October 17, 2012Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting October 17, 2012 →November 30, 2012Hazard Vulnerability Assessment October 17, 2012 →November 30, 2012Risk Assessment November 1, 2012 →December 7, 2012 Draft Mitigation Strategy December 18, 2013 Public Meeting to Review Mitigation Strategy December 7, 2012 → February 8, 2013Develop the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Week of March 22, 2013Public Meeting to Review Draft Week of March 22, 2013Submit Draft to PEMA for Review Week of April 19, 2013Initial Submission to FEMA Region III “Approval Pending Community Adoption”Presentation of Plan to County Commissioners for Adoption
P ROJECT W EBSITE Lancaster County Hazard Mitigation Plan Project Web Site:
P ROJECT C ONTACTS Kyle Overly Delta Development Group, Inc. Phil Colvin Lancaster County EMA