European AIS Database SIGMA & SDO Data Completeness Presenter: Luc Vermeulen
What is SIGMA Legacy what..? The power of SIGMA SIGMA DEMO:
What is SIGMA? SIGMA stands for SDO Input Guidance Manual. SIGMA is a support tool to ease for SDO Data Entry experts SIGMA addresses the EAD DP's need for a single access to all SDO material. The SIGMA gateway offers several information access gates: The SDO view, with descriptions and definitions and referenced information to the AIP specimen annex SDO rules. The eAIP Specimen view with links to the SDO view The Rules view with an overview of all SDO Rules with additional information on the applied rule
Legacy Content conversion to XML Topics how…? Old Input Manual 2000 pages of Word AICM manual HTML pages SDO Data Base Rules excel sheets & XML data SDO Operational Rules Word AICM/AIXM Data formats HTML AICM Domain values XML AIP examples Pdf Specimen of the eAIP (HTML) ICAO Annex references pictures STRUCTURED XML CONTENT
CMS - DITA DITA DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) is one important flavor of XML that is designed for managing technical information in reusable topics or components which are stored as XML.
The Power of SIGMA AIS Main concepts Toggle to Rules perspective view Toggle to AIP perspective view Toggle to SDO perspective view Never get Lost with Breadcrumbs Navigation Tree Maximum 3 levels in tree AIS Main concepts
Search Field en Meta Tags Search field: Result expressed in HIT percentage Identify : All My EAD/EAD Pro Meta Tags Filter information relevant for my purpose Data Packages: To be able to Identify the Data Requirements
SDO Data Completeness
SDO DATA Completeness goals and objectives SDC Why? Following Permanent Commission decision 83 of July 2000 for establishment of the EAD, member states committed to support the implementation by becoming Participating State. It is the obligation of the State to maintain its static data in EAD/SDO. Data providers have signed a data provider agreement with EUROCONTROL as official basis for data maintenance. SDO is playing a major role according to the continuous increase of requests for operational use of the data: PAN-European services, i.e. eRAD, Flight Plan Validation, ADR, ANSP ATM services, FAB, ASM, Network Management etc DATA Quality and Completeness
Two EAD processes hand in hand! Quality DQR’s Data Quarterly Reviews Known process of Quality monitoring based on samples taken from newly or updated Data Elements. Verified against AIP published data SDO Data Completeness New process for Data Completeness Validate Completeness Catalogues ICAO Critical and Essential Minimum SDO ADR Navaids, Proc, Org and Auth
Closing the GAP’s will improve the Taste This is not a piece of my cheese Validated Completeness Catalogues Data Completeness
Concept of Data Catalogues Min SDO ADR Etc… SDC Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model (AICM) / Exchange (AIXM) Aerodrome + Ops Req = Monitor Completeness NAVAIDS + Ops Req = Routes + Ops Req = Points + Ops Req = + Procedures Ops Req = + Airspaces Ops Req = Organisations + Ops Req =
SDO Completeness Workflow SDC and SDO SDO Data Base Replication SDO catalogues Validation and Reporting Validation: When Data Catalogues completed (100%) per Data Provider & GEO Area Analysis (Assessment) of Completeness Quality (NIL reason X-check with AIP) SDO catalogues AIXM4.5: Min SDO ADR Navaids (ILS) Procedure (Basic Org and Authority ATC (TBD) Reporting: Completeness based on Catalogues Data Analysis on critical Entities/Attributes
What will the EAD SDC offer for DP’s EAD SDC provides a Data Count on all countable AIXM 4.5. Entities and Attributes per DP EAD SDC gives overviews and comparison views with other DP’s (ECAC & WW) SDC shows the Completeness for your Area of Responsibility based on the various Completeness Catalogues (e.g. Min SDO) EAD SDC Identifies Possible Missing Data Elements SDC allows Identification of Data Ownership e.g. Data not touched since Migration is Identified. EAD provides a feedback overview to monitor the Data Completeness progress Reporting tools for Managers and SDO Operators
SDC Workflow for a DP NIL Reason SDO to do Checklist Reject Ownership Progress Overview NIL Reason Data Missing SDO to do Checklist Actions Reject Ownership Is this Mine? Identification & Coordination DOP NOTICES Assign Rejected Unknown Data Owner Assign Unknown Data
From Aeronautical Data to Quality Assured Aeronautical Information European AIS Database Questions?