HDM-4 Inputs and Options
Speed Flow Type Speed (km/hr) S1 S2 S3 Sult Flow veh/hr Qo Qnom Qult HDM-4 Inputs and Options
Number of Hours in the Year Traffic Flow Pattern Flow Periods Flow Peak Next to Peak Medium flow Next to Low Overnight Number of Hours in the Year 3 HDM-4 Inputs and Options
Rise Plus Fall & Horizontal Curvature Vertical Profile Rise Plus Fall = (R1+R2+R3+F1+F2) / Length (meters/km) Horizontal Profile Horizontal Curvature = (C1+C2+C3+C4) / Length (degrees/km) 4
Analysis by Sections or Project Analysis by Section: Section alternatives are defined for each section. The analysis determines the optimum alternative for each section. NPV is calculated for each section alternative. Analysis by Sections supports neither new sections nor diverted traffic. Analysis by Project: A project is composed of many sections. Project alternatives are defined indicating a maintenance/improvement standard per section. NPV is calculated for each project alternative (i.e. for the group of sections). The analysis determines the optimum alternative for the sections as a group. Analysis by Project supports the analysis of new sections and diverted traffic. 5
Analysis by Sections Example Each section is evaluated individually and can have any number of alternatives. HDM-4 produces a NPV for each section alternative that is used to find the optimal alternative per section. 6
Analysis by Project Example 1 Analyses road sections together as a package by considering project alternatives as the unit for performing economic analysis. HDM-4 produces a NPV for each project alternative. 7
Analysis by Project Example 2 Analysis involving new sections and diverted traffic can only be performed using the Analysis by Project method. 8
Project, Programs & Strategies 9
Multi-year Forward Programme Evaluation IRI Budget Period Deferred investment Investment now Benefits from Investment Years Budget period: for example 1, 2 or 3 years 10
HDM-4 Version 2.0 Case Studies HDM-4 Case Studies Included with HDM-4 Documented on Volume 2: Application Guide C:\Program Files\HDM-4\Case Studies\Eng World Bank Case Studies Provided by the World Bank C:\HDM-4 Version 2.0 WB Case Studies 1.0 Windows Folders Containing HDM-4 Workspace 11
OBJECTS.DAT OBJECTS.IDX HDM-4 Workspace Contains the configuration and inputs of an HDM-4 study Can be copied from one computer to another Composed of two files: OBJECTS.DAT OBJECTS.IDX 12
Copy the HDM-4 workspace files into any folder on your computer To Review an HDM-4 Study Obtain the HDM-4 workspace (OBJECTS.DAT and OBJECTS.IDX files) created for the study Copy the HDM-4 workspace files into any folder on your computer Run HDM-4 and open the workspace, using the Open Workspace option and then locating the folder in which you have copied the workspace files Open the HDM-4 study 13
HDM-4 Version 2.0 Structure Input Data Application Options Data Configuration Data 14
HDM-4 Folders HDM-4 Folders - HDM-4 folders resemble Windows Explorer folders, but these are not actual Windows folders, they are components of the HDM-4 Workspace. - An HDM-4 Workspace is a Database that contains all input, application options and configuration data for a given study. 15
HDM-4 Workspace Windows folder where HDM-4 Workspace is located - There could be many HDM-4 Workspaces on a hard disk, which are located on different Windows folders. - An HDM-4 Workspace Database is composed of the following files: OBJECTS.DAT and OBJECTS.IDX, which can be copied from one Windows folder to another. 16
HDM-4 Run Data Directory on Setup Run - The Run Data Export Directory is the Windows folder that will store all the output files created by HDM-4 for an HDM-4 run. 17
HDM-4 Output File HDM-4 stores all the output results of an HDM-4 run on a single Access file named “RunData.mdb” located at the Run Data Export Directory. Users can explore the output results of an HDM-4 Run by importing the output data stored on the RunData.mdb file into Excel or a Pavement Management System. 18
Export and Import Options Import or Export to Access Files You can export or import each item of information to or from an Access file. Access files are used to connect HDM-4 with a Pavement Management System or Excel. 19
Export and Import File Formats Road Network Export File Format.pdf Vehicle Fleet Export File Format.pdf located on C:\Program Files\HDM-4 Version 2.0\Documentation\Eng 20
Road Network Import Sample File 21