1 st Management Review Meeting on 1 st Sept,2010 “Bachat Lamp Yojana” 3223
Agenda Status of Managing Entity functions as per the BLY Administration Manual (BAM) – Comprehensive revision of BAM by 30 th September 2010 BLY expenditure plan – Modalities for disbursement of financial Incentive for CPAs – Plan for BLY expenditure to be proposed by 10 th September 2010
Implementation Status S.NoProcedureImplementation Status ChallengesDecisions 1 ROLES, RESPONSIBILITY & AUTHORITY WITHIN MANAGING ENTITY All role players nominated as per procedure 1.Availability of full time Personnel (BLY Manager, PEs) 1.Full time availability of BLY Manager and PEs. Same will be addressed in BEE “Management Advisory committee meeting “ September REVISION OF PoA DOCUMENTS AND CPA MONITORING RECORD 1.Till latest EB 55, no revision in PoA documents is required 2.Database for the first CPA is currently being designed in excel sheet Nil1.Excel CPA database using the 1 st CPA data to be established by 15th September – 2. BAM to be comprehensively revised and finalised by 30th Sept Draft circulated among BLY team Draft to be circulated to active investors by 23th Sept. To be circulated amongst CMEs of other PoAs for their suggestions. 3. BLY PoA Administration to be maintained separate from stand- alone projects. 3 EMPANELMENT AND ISSUE OF UNIQUE ID FOR INVESTORS AND UPDATION OF INVESTOR LIST 1.45 Investors empanelled; 1 de-empanelled 2.1 CPA issued Unique ID 1.Empanelment forms for initial investors not available 2.All empanelled investors not active 3.De-empanelment procedure not available in BAM 1.All empanelled investors to be asked to renew empanelment interest by re-submitting forms by 30th September. 2.De-empanelment to be included in revised BAM.
Implementation Status S.NoProcedureImplementation Status ChallengesDecisions 4 SIGNING THE TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT(TPA) 1.Total TPAs signed: 12 2.Signed in last quarter (April- July): 1 3.J Sagar lawyers commissioned to re-structure agreements TPAs signed till date have various formats and may not be equipped to included CPA liability / CER transfer issues. All the investors to sign the latest version of bilateral agreement at the time of CPA inclusion for each investor. The final bilateral agreement will be available by 30 th Sept. 5 PROCEDURE FOR ISSUE OF UNIQUE ID FOR SSC-CPA 1 CPA issued unique ID Nil 6 PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR CPA’s INCLUSION IN PoA CPA Eligibility check performed on 13 Kerala 3 CQC Hyd 1.EB 55 puts greater stress on eligibility check by CME Kerala CPAs incomplete; 3 CQC CPAs need to furnish more info 1.A revised eligibility check format developed to meet EB 55 requirements. The checklist to be circulated amongst investors for their suggestions. 2.First 20 CPAs to be evaluated by third party and cross verified by BEE. The third party should be identified by 15 th September. There after BEE shall evaluate the CPAs on its own. 3.Both Kerala and CQC to fill new format prior to re-submitting CPAs 7 PROCEDURE FOR MONITORING AND VERIFICATION OF THE OF THE CPAs No CPA currently at monitoring stage Refer S. no 2 on CPA database
Implementation Status S.NoProcedureImplementation Status ChallengesDecisions 8 PROCEDURE FOR COMMUNICATION WITH CDM EXECUTIVE BOARD, DoE AND INDIAN DNA 1.Included CPAs informed to DNA: 1 2.Inclusion DoE for Kerala identified 1.EB modalities of communication needs revision on— Secretary name BEE appointed BLY manager 2.CPA investors demand transparency on CPA database 1.EB modalities of communication to be revised as per latest BLY team nominated in S. no 1. 2.Communication with CPA investors now included in eligibility check format. 3.All managing entity / CPA related procedures, data and updates to be centrally web-hosted on BEE website / C- DAC server. 4.BEE to invite RFPs for development the database management of the BLY documents in the month of September 9 PROCEDURE FOR ALLOCATION OF CERs TO THE SSC-CPA 1.No CPA issued CERs 2.J Sagar lawyers commissioned to develop a CER transfer agreement Nil
Implementation Status S.NoProcedureImplementation Status ChallengesDecisions 10 LIST AND PROCEDURE FOR CONTROL OF BLY DOCUMENTS Being practiced partially Maintaining current document versions and communicating to all centrally 1.Refer recommendation 3 in S. no 8 11 PROCEDURE FOR MANAGEMENT REVIEW The first MR scheduled on 1 st September 2010 Managing Entity functions have a direct bearing on CPA investor ability to recover the investment. MR should include stakeholder concerns. BLY management review meeting may be held as per the quorum defined in the BLY admin manual. BLY stakeholders meeting may be held quarterly. The schedule for the same may be finalized by 15 th September,2010. BLY status to be discussed with National Project Monitoring Committee (NPMU). NPMU constituents could be active stakeholders e.g. CPA Investors, NGOs such as CSE etc on rotation basis just as in EB. 12 PROCEDURE FOR INTERNAL BLY AUDITS Not practiced currently Nil BAM functions be audited by a certification body and report presented to NPMU every quarter.
Implementation Status S.NoProcedureImplementation Status ChallengesDecisions 13 PROCEDURE FOR SIGNING PoA LIABILITY AGREEMENT WITH BEE 1.J Sagar lawyers commissioned to develop a liability transfer agreement Refer S. no 4 14 PROCEDURE FOR SIGNING THE CER TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH BEE 1.J Sagar lawyers commissioned to develop a CER transfer agreement Refer S. no 4
BLY Expenditure Plan Announced on 18 th June 2010, by DG – Grant of INR Three Lakhs per CPA for carrying out activities pertaining to CPA–level awareness campaign and monitoring survey. – Grant incentives for early movers and implementers of CPAs. BEE to develop the procedure to allocate this grant to investors. Plan for BLY expenditure till March 2012 to be proposed by 10th Sept 2010 – BLY expenditure till date and funds available – CPA milestones against which incentives to be disbursed – Projected schedule of disbursement against planned mile-stones – Modalities of disbursement
BLY Expenditure Plan Announced on 18 th June 2010, by DG – Grant of INR Three Lakhs per CPA for carrying out activities pertaining to CPA–level awareness campaign and monitoring survey. – Grant incentives for early movers and implementers of CPAs. BEE to develop the procedure to allocate this grant to investors. Plan for BLY expenditure till March 2012 to be proposed by 10th Sept 2010 – BLY expenditure till date and funds available – CPA milestones against which incentives to be disbursed – Projected schedule of disbursement against planned mile-stones – Modalities of disbursement