1 OECD Experience from SHA Collection 7th Meeting of Health Accounts Experts and Correspondents for Health Expenditure Data Paris, September, 2005
2 Overview Main purpose of SHA work Background to OECD SHA activities Results from 2005 Pilot SHA Questionnaire SHA Database development Dissemination of SHA Tables
3 Main purpose of SHA work To provide policy-relevant and comparative health expenditure data To harmonise national health accounting practices To further develop SHA methodology To provide data sources for research on health expenditure To make country-specific SHA data and metadata more widely available
4 SHA activity at OECD 2000 – publication of A System of Health Accounts – SHA tables collected on an occasional basis for presentation at the annual experts meeting 2003/4 - Proposal for SHA project accepted and Working Paper and 13 Technical Papers published Dec 2004 – pilot 2005 SHA questionnaire sent to all OECD countries 2005 – agreement on joint OECD-EUROSTAT-WHO SHA questionnaire for 2006 collection
SHA Questionnaire Sent to all countries in Dec 2005 Consisted of modified Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 from SHA manual plus methodological questionnaire (sources, deviations, etc.) Comments from country experts, Eurostat and WHO incorporated Updated tables received from 10 member countries
6 Status Report on SHA Data
7 Results from 2005 SHA data collection Important input to development of joint questionnaire A standard set of tables for each country and a set of transparent methodological tables Total health expenditure consistent with SHA boundaries Varying levels of detail of HC classification reported Gaps exist in private expenditure and private investment Lack of information on health-related expenditures Large variations in expenditure on administration
8 SHA Database Development Increasing number of countries and time series means storing in Excel is increasingly inefficient Need for SHA database to validate, store and eventually disseminate SHA data StatWorks –part of the OECD Statistical Information System (SIS) –allows importing, validation and updating of data –linking to stored methodological information –output to OECD.Stat for dissemination via web and for printed publications
9 SHA Database - StatWorks Allows import of Tables from Excel questionnaire
10 SHA Database - StatWorks Flexibility to display, validate and update SHA data
11 Dissemination of SHA Tables Continuing bi-lateral discussions of outstanding issues Validated SHA Tables will be added to SHA Implementation webpage as Excel files With the development of the SHA database, the Statistical Information System (SIS) will allow more flexible and interactive dissemination on-line