All – Will have Completed the objectives allowing them to cover the Level 1 criteria for the FS assessment Most – Will have covered objectives allowing them to have a knowledge of the Level 2 criteria for the FS assessment Some – Will have covered all the objectives Objectives For whole Project Database: column and row; field and record; primary key, enter and edit field content; search criteria, including relational operators ‘greater than’, less than’, ‘equals’ and ‘contains’, report Database: column and row; field and record; set up a database, primary key, enter and edit field content; data types, including text, date/time and number; number formats including currency, percentages and number of decimal places; Search criteria, including relational operators ‘greater than’, less than’, ‘equals’ and ‘contains’, wildcard, report; multiple search criteria including logical operators AND and OR; view and print database structure
Database Project is designed to be taught over 6 lessons to develop database skills for the Functional skills task. Video uses Youtube – make sure to check that it runs before the lesson Spreadsheet is needed for students “JB” This is designed to be used to support the lesson. Created by Mr Hepworth
All – Will have gathered information on James Bond films Most – Will have got one piece of information for each James bond film Some – Will have got 2 pieces of information and added it to the excel spreadsheet with suitable titles STARTER (5 minutes) Brain Storm everything that you think of when you think of James Bond. Use the Paper provided. LESSON OBJECTIVES Information gathering and recording using tables Columns and Rows James Bond Video Intro
All – Will have gathered information on James Bond films Most – Will have got one piece of information for each James bond film Some – Will have got 2 pieces of information and added it to the excel spreadsheet with suitable titles OO7 Q Using the starter be prepared to come up and fill out the brain storm
Having a Theory All – Will have gathered information on James Bond films Most – Will have got one piece of information for each James bond film Some – Will have got 2 pieces of information and added it to the excel spreadsheet with suitable titles TASK 1 Write down in “Word” Who your Favourite James Bond is and What your Favourite James Bond film is, give reasons for why you have chosen each of these. SAVE this as FAVjamesbond – into the DATABASE folder. James Bond Trailer
All – Will have gathered information on James Bond films Most – Will have got one piece of information for each James bond film Some – Will have got 2 pieces of information and added it to the excel spreadsheet with suitable titles Rows of SeatsColumns hold up buildings You are sat in Rows and your teacher lets you go in Rows The building is held up with columns the Romans liked columns ROWS and COLUMNS
All – Will have gathered information on James Bond films Most – Will have got one piece of information for each James bond film Some – Will have got 2 pieces of information and added it to the excel spreadsheet with suitable titles TASK 2 Using the Table “JB” in excel fill out two additional columns for example you could find information on.Table Open up and Save the Spreadsheet “JB” Saved on the VLE Directors Cars used Q Baddys Best Gadget M
All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly STARTER (5 minutes) Find out as much as you can about the next James Bond film LESSON OBJECTIVES Understanding basic structures of databases including.. Filed Names Primary Key Data types Field Sizes Importing Data
Task 1 Using “Access” fill out the Field Names – the Field Names should match your column headings in excel. When prompted save as “JBTbl” Database support sheets are available if you want further guidance All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly
Task 2 Data Types :- These represent the kind of data for example if you were to put a Field Name of : Films Earnings – the Data Type would be Currency. Date of release – the Data Type would be Date/Time. Primary Key :- This represents a unique Character – in this case the Version of the film listing what order they were released. All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly
Field Size The Max number of Characters that can be inputted – could be used for Validation – Spaces also count Task 3 Field Size :- Set this to the number of the largest amount of characters for that column, look at the spreadsheet if unsure. All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly
Summary of tasks Task 1 Using “Access” fill out the Field Names – the Field Names should match your column headings in excel. When prompted save as “JBTbl” Task 2 Data Types :- These represent the kind of data for example if you were to put a Field Name of : Films Earnings – the Data Type would be Currency. Date of release – the Data Type would be Date/Time. Task 3 Field Size :- Set this to the number of the largest amount of characters for that column, look at the spreadsheet if unsure. All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly
Importing Data – When you import something you bring it in – for Example we import Bananas into the UK DATADATABASE Task 4 Using the support sheets if needed import your spreadsheet into your database table “EBTbl” All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly Bananas United Kingdom
You should have something similar to this, with all the columns filled out. All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly
Plenary (10 minutes) In PowerPoint take screen captures of each of the stages today and annotate what you did. Save as “Databasehelp” An example of this is what your teacher has been showing you. Table design Importing data All – Will have created a basic database structure and imported some data into it. Most – Will have created a database with basic validation included and all data imported. Some – Will have created a database with validation and all data imported correctly
All – Will have done at least one search. Most – Will have done at least two searches. One based on a query they have designed. Some – Will have completed all query’s based on their own designs STARTER (5 minutes) Using your database or the internet list all the names the films staring Roger Moore LESSON OBJECTIVES Search criteria within databases
Query's (Search) A Query's is a search that is done in the database. A help sheet is attached to show you how to do this. Before you do a search (query) you first need to decide what you are searching for. Example Task In the first lesson you wrote in “Word” (FAVjamesbond) Who your Favourite James Bond is and What your Favourite James Bond film is. Using this information we are going to check to see if your favourite James Bond was in your Favourite film. And find out some more information about the film. All – Will have done at least one search. Most – Will have done at least two searches. One based on a query they have designed. Some – Will have completed all query’s based on their own designs
Query's (Search) A Query's is a search that is done in the database. A help sheet is attached to show you how to do this. Before you do a search (query) you first need to decide what you are searching for. Example Task “Help sheet available on the VLE” Lets try doing a search for all the films that Roger Moore was in. In the Criteria box put Roger Moore Don’t for get to click run ! All – Will have done at least one search. Most – Will have done at least two searches. One based on a query they have designed. Some – Will have completed all query’s based on their own designs
Task 1 “Help sheet available on the VLE” In the first lesson you wrote in “Word” (FAVjamesbond) Who your Favourite James Bond is and What your Favourite James Bond film is. Using this information we are going to check to see if your favourite James Bond was in your Favourite film. Task 2 Using the information you gathered try doing a query for another piece of information. e.g. Which James Bonds drove Aston Martins All – Will have done at least one search. Most – Will have done at least two searches. One based on a query they have designed. Some – Will have completed all query’s based on their own designs
Plenary (10 minutes) In PowerPoint take screen captures of each of the stages today and annotate what you did. Save as “Databasehelp” An example of this is what your teacher has been showing you. Query’s All – Will have done at least one search. Most – Will have done at least two searches. One based on a query they have designed. Some – Will have completed all query’s based on their own designs
STARTER (10 minutes) Create or find a logo that best represents James bond to you. Save this to your area. LESSON OBJECTIVES Query’s Search criteria, including relational operators ‘greater than’, less than’, ‘equals’ and ‘contains’, wildcard; multiple search criteria. All – Will have done at least one advanced search Most – Will completed all query’s Some – Will have completed advanced query’s and have all screen captures annotated
Query’s continued Last lesson you did basic Query's we are now going to try more complex searches. Using the following…….Greater than > Less than < Equal to = We can even set the search criteria in two different field headings (Criteria) Example Task “Help sheet available on the VLE” Lets try doing a search for all the films that Roger Moore was in after >1980 This search is a multiple search using a Greater than Criteria All – Will have done at least one advanced search Most – Will completed all query’s Some – Will have completed advanced query’s and have all screen captures annotated
“Help sheet available on the VLE” Task 1 Using the information you gathered try doing a query for another piece of information this time try using two searches one with a ><= criteria. e.g. Which James Bonds drove Aston Martins before 1986 Task 2 Complete any outstanding work, you should have 3 Query's and screen captures of everything you have done so far. All – Will have done at least one advanced search Most – Will completed all query’s Some – Will have completed advanced query’s and have all screen captures annotated
Plenary (10 minutes) In PowerPoint take screen captures of each of the stages today and annotate what you did. Save as “Databasehelp” An example of this is what your teacher has been showing you. Query’s All – Will have done at least one advanced search Most – Will completed all query’s Some – Will have completed advanced query’s and have all screen captures annotated
All – Will have created a report Most – Will have created a report giving it suitable headings Some – Will have gone on to give the report suitable designs with the headings STARTER (10 minutes) Create or find a logo that best represents James bond to you. Save this to your area. LESSON OBJECTIVES Database Reports
Reports At the start you imported data into the database. You now need to export data to create the Report. We are going to export the data into “Word”. Exporting Data – When you export something you extract it – for Example we export Cadburys chocolate to Europe, we move it to another area. DatabaseReport All – Will have created a report Most – Will have created a report giving it suitable headings Some – Will have gone on to give the report suitable designs with the headings Cadburys Chocolate Overseas
You can click on the WORD Tab to export it into word Task 1 “Help sheet available on the VLE” Convert your query’s into reports in word. Each report will need to be given suitable headings and given a suitable design. To be continued next lesson….. An example Report can be seen on the VLE All – Will have created a report Most – Will have created a report giving it suitable headings Some – Will have gone on to give the report suitable designs with the headings
Plenary (10 minutes) In PowerPoint take screen captures of each of the stages today and annotate what you did. Save as “Databasehelp” An example of this is what your teacher has been showing you. Reports All – Will have created a report Most – Will have created a report giving it suitable headings Some – Will have gone on to give the report suitable designs with the headings
STARTER (10 minutes) Create or find a logo that best represents James bond to you. Save this to your area. LESSON OBJECTIVES Database Reports continued Summary of Database project. All – Will have created 2 reports Most – Will have created reports giving it suitable headings Some – Will have gone on to give the report suitable designs with the headings All reports will have been completed
You can click on the WORD Tab to export it into word Task 1 continued from last lesson “Help sheet available on the VLE” Convert your query’s into reports in word. Each report will need to be given suitable headings and given a suitable design. An example Report can be seen on the VLE All – Will have created 2 reports Most – Will have created reports giving it suitable headings Some – Will have gone on to give the report suitable designs with the headings All reports will have been completed
Whole Project Plenary A couple of questions to consider amongst your selves (5 minutes + 5 minutes feedback to the class) 1.Did your original theory about your favourite film and James Bond match? 2.Do you think databases are useful? 3.Were have you seen a database outside of school? 4.What is the biggest thing you have learnt in this project. All – Will have created 2 reports Most – Will have created reports giving it suitable headings Some – Will have gone on to give the report suitable designs with the headings All reports will have been completed