CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) Report Brian Killough, CEOS SEO, NASA Agenda Item # rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009
CEOS SEO Functions The CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) was established in April 2007 (sponsored by NASA) to facilitate the development of CEOS global space constellation plans. We have supported CEOS for 2.5 years now ! The SEO technical function includes: requirements definition, gap analyses, special projects, and implementation architecture development. The SEO management function includes: fostering communication among CEOS partners by coordinating and participating in CEOS meetings, developing web-based management tools, and developing visualization products for educating the global EO community about CEOS. 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20092
2009 Accomplishments Designed an online global systems database of CEOS assets to provide knowledge of CEOS agency contributions to GEO societal benefit areas, to support CEOS Constellations, and to support gap analyses and strategic planning. Worked closely with ESA to coordinate data updates for the CEOS MIM database. Improved CEOS agency communications by developing: a new CEOS website ( an action tracking tool, updated mailing lists and CEOS and Constellation videos, posters and brochures. Supported several special projects including: an Atmospheric Composition gap analysis study with Rutherford Appleton Lab (RAL), and a Climate pilot project focused on climate model uncertainty for decision-making. Supported the planning, conduct and reporting of several Constellation and Working Group meetings and currently working with CEOS to develop a booth for GEO rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20093
Looking ahead … Plans for 2010 Expand the capabilities and content of the SEO online systems database and coordinate closer with ESA's CEOS MIM database. Complete the first release of a Google-Map coincident imaging tool (COVE) to support WGCV. Complete a Mid-resolution LSI Constellation standards document. (see LSI presentation) Work with the JAXA SIT team to conduct system requirements and gap analyses for strategic planning. Revise the WGEdu portal and develop new EduFlow educational products for enhanced capacity building. (see WGEdu presentation) Implement a new online action tracking tool for CEOS management. Continue progress on a Climate Pilot Project to understand decision support uncertainty. 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20094
CEOS Mission Databases 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November CEOS MIM Database (ESA-developed) Online DB of CEOS agency Missions, Instruments and Measurements (MIM). Filter and Search capabilities. Measurement timeline tables. Export to EXCEL. Plans to update agency data annually. Future plans to consider EO Portal data, and Measurement Quality. Offered to CGMS for their use. CEOS Systems Analysis Database (SEO- developed) Includes MIM data from ESA. Adds more sorting and filtering capabilities. Links MIM data to CEOS Constellations, GEO SBAs (GEOSS 10-Yr Plan requirements), GCOS ECVs (climate variables). Gap Analysis tables designed to support strategic planning. Future plans to add WMO requirements and GEO UIC SBA requirements.
CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) Background COVE is a Web-based Google-Earth Coincident Imaging Tool for Satellite Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) developed by SEO for WGCV. COVE supports on-orbit and ground-based Cal/Val of CEOS missions to improve data continuity, interoperability, and data fusion by calculating coincident viewing events for multiple satellites. COVE is a systems engineering tool with broad international interest for enhanced collaboration and data evaluation. Prototype version now available for testing and validation. Features Simple and intuitive Google-Earth interface with dynamic menus, multiple viewports, and a Mission Database. Rapid calculation of coincident events and orbit groundtracks User-defined evaluation periods and regions of interest Multi-user collaboration and EXCEL table output format 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November Coincident Event Satellite 1 Satellite 2
CO 2 Gap Analysis Example 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November SEO working with JAXA (SIT Chair team) to develop a Strategic Gap Analysis Implementation Plan for CEOS. The assessment of gaps will be based on missions capabilities vs. user requirements from decision-makers, information product and service providers, scientists, and modelers. 3 types of gaps: lack of measurement continuity (time series), lack of individual measurements, lack of science knowledge or applications due to missing measurement groups. CEOS agencies can make a significant impact on gaps by selecting annual high priority topics for analysis and developing solution action plans. The SEO has developed a prototype gap analysis for CO 2 to learn more about the gap analysis process. Common mission timelines DO NOT accurately reflect gaps (see timeline above), An evaluation of detailed user requirements is needed to conduct a valid gap analysis. Consider instrument types (measurement approach), spectral bands, resolution (space and time), data product quality, and science requirements such as atmospheric layers. The SEO has a one-pager with more detailed results of a preliminary CO 2 gap analysis (see Shelley Stover) No CO 2 Gaps ???
Climate Pilot Project: Assessing Impacts of Uncertainty in Climate Observations and Model Projections on Decision Support Understanding uncertainty will improve our ability to use Earth observation data for key decisions and improved societal benefit. This project is focused on assessing uncertainty in climate observations and the impact of those uncertainties on decision support tools and key issues confronting local decision- makers. A rapid prototype project utilizing Global Circulation Models (GCMs) and a Regional Climate Model (RCM) with agricultural decision support in Central America is considered. The results of this project will improve risk-informed decision making on water resource management and strategic resource investments that consider uncertainty in the decision making process. 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November Information Products & Services Decision Makers Knowledge & Models Measurements Uncertainty Analysis How does the uncertainty in models or measurements impact a specific decision? Temp vs. Yield Precip vs. Yield
CEOS Action Tracking Tools 3 concepts for consideration 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November Option #1: CEO EXCEL Table (current approach) Comprehensive database of action item content with EXCEL-based functions. Single file with all actions ed to POCs. Features added recently e.g. to visualize only POC’s actions with one click Single person (CEO) controls the latest version. Not available online. Option #2: SEO Action Tracking Tool Web-based tool intended to mirror the current EXCEL database. Functions similar to EXCEL but not quite as powerful. Available online (CEOS website) for viewing and editing. Version control and user editing control. Prototype version available with EXCEL output. Option #3: CEOS Website (Joomla-based) Use existing Joomla-based CEOS website to post individual articles for each action. Allows user editing online by any registered user. Most effective for a small (< 20) number of actions. No version control or EXCEL output. Action Plan Use Option #2 starting in Jan-2010 after the new CEOS actions are approved. Continue to study Option #3 for the future.