Zortec Data Replication
What you get with Zortec Data Replication: Complete access to your Zortec Application data in a Open Data Base format.
The Zortec Application data will be replicated into a Microsoft SQL Database. In the past we had a few sites that used My SQL successfully.
You can export your Zortec data to the SQL Database on demand or use the “real-time” option to keep your SQL Database in sync with your live Z Data.
When the “real-time” option is used, as your users make changes to the Z data, those changes are exported immediately from Z and imported to the SQL database - tables.
Data Replication components: 1... A database application - Microsoft SQL is required. Local Government Corporation can provide this application to our customers or we can work with your existing MS SQL install if you already have one. We may also elect to provide you with MS SQL Express.
Data Replication components: 2... LGC VB Programming. We provide the Data Replication Extraction programming as well as the setup and training required to enable you to export your Zortec Data to the SQL Database.
The Data Replication Extraction and Real-Time Extraction options will be setup on your server desktop with icons available to launch the applications.
First lets take a look at how to operate the VB Data Replication Extraction program. This program is used to Extract Data from the Z software.
Next lets take a look how to operate the VB Real-Time Extraction program. This program extracts changes made to the data “live or in real-time” as your users modify the data.
Data Replication components: 3... We also provide a LGC Data Import program which detects the exported data files and updates the SQL Database automatically.
Customer Support Request: Sent: Thursday, January 29, :40 AM To: Customer Resources Support Subject: Online Request for Support Have been requested by Board to identify the largest water adjustments for the last 10 years. The data is available by running the Utility Adjustment Report but has to be run for each month (120 reports). Is there an easier way to get this data reported for the Board ? Name John Doe Office Local Government Utility District
Query Example Using MicroSoft SQL Express
Query Example Using MicroSoft Excel
Once you have your Zortec Data replicated into a SQL Database your options for using the data are basically unlimited.
You can... Create Custom Reports using Microsoft Applications including Excel, Access or Word or other custom report applications like Crystal Report Writer.
You can... Easily share data with other vendors outside your organization or other departments within your organization.
Up Next in this session… I will change to live demonstrations of using Data Replication and Real-Time to extract data from Z files. We will import the data to a SQL database, execute a SQL query, Excel query, and extract data from an Accounts Payable Vendor File and Payroll Master file to CSV files. I will change to live demonstrations of using Data Replication and Real-Time to extract data from Z files. We will import the data to a SQL database, execute a SQL query, Excel query, and extract data from an Accounts Payable Vendor File and Payroll Master file to CSV files.
If you would like to have the Data Replication option installed please contact LGC’s Marketing Department for a price quote. If you would like to have the Data Replication option installed please contact LGC’s Marketing Department for a price quote.