Data Conversion By Rachna Kapoor Information Scientist Thapar Centre for Industrial Research & Development, Patiala
Import/ Export from WINISIS Databases with same Structure Export complete database or part of it using Export Sub Menu of Database Menu File with ISO extension will be saved in the Work directory of WINISIS
Import/ Export from WINISIS Databases with same Structure Open the database in which the file is to be imported Now using the Import Sub Menu import the earlier exported file using any of the options 1) Merge 2) Load 3) Update
Import/ Export from WINISIS Databases with same Structure Using I/F Update Sub Menu of Database Menu update the complete database
Import/ Export from WINISIS Databases with Different Structure If structure of the databases is not same then a reformatting FST file is to be created which tells the system that tag contents of one database is to be redirected to a different tag in the other database
Import/ Export from WINISIS Databases with Different Structure A reformatting FST file could be the following: 1 0 mfn [output field] containing the MFN (v1/)[output field 100 same as input field 1 (use of a repeatable group in the format to output each occurrence of field 1 as a separate line)] v2[output field 200 same as input field 2] | |[output field 300 contains keywords enclosed in, each keyword taken from one occurrence of input field 3]
Import/ Export from WINISIS Databases with Different Structure While exporting the database one has to mention the name of the reformatting FST file ISO file generated will guide the import function about the input and output tags
MS Excel to WINISIS Using db3iso Application Database in MS Excel is as shown in the 1 st screen Open the database in Excel and using save as option of the File Menu save the file as DBF3
MS Excel to WINISIS Using db3iso Application Now using db3iso application convert the earlier created DBF3 file into ISO file Select E from the menu
MS Excel to WINISIS Using db3iso Application Db3iso will then ask for the DBF3 input file and name of the output ISO file to be generated Enter both the names and press enter ISO file with be generated Using the import facility of WINISIS this file can be imported to the database with same data structure
Text File to ISO File Using FANGORN Application Text files can be converted into ISO files using FANGORN Click in Fangorn Application (1 st Screen) You get the 2 nd Screen Select E for English language
Text File to ISO File Using FANGORN Application 1 st Screen is an example of text file to be converted into ISO File
Text File to ISO File Using FANGORN Application Make a new SPE File using Fangorn Type new at the prompt which will ask you to input number of fields in incoming file (Text File) and the name of the SPE File It will then show that SPE File is ready to be filled in Blank SPE File will be like one shown in 2 nd Screen
Text File to ISO File Using FANGORN Application Complete the SPE File as shown in 1 st Screen according to the field in the database where the ISO File of the input Text File is to be imported
Import/ Export from WINISIS Different Structure Databases Again Click on Fangorn Applicataion and now input the name of the SPE File you have created to convert the TEXT File to ISO File At prompt give the name of the input file (Text File) and press enter Now give the name of the output file (ISO File) and press enter
Import/ Export from WINISIS Different Structure Databases Fangorn will then show the number of records in the output file Using the import facility of WINISIS this file can be imported to the desired database
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