Washington Campus Compact New Time Log Database Note to users: You should use Internet Explorer to use this database. In other programs (i.e. Firefox) the pages will not be correctly aligned.
This is the login page. Your user name will be assigned to you with an initial password. It is highly recommended that once you have access to the database, you create your own password. The passwords should be between 6-8 characters and have at least one number in them. 2SIS New Time Log Database
Once you log in, this is the first screen you will see. (The boxes on the screen have “dummy” information to represent the most common queries that you currently run in WBRS.) We are going to focus first on entering a timelog. The easiest way to get to your member is to type their last name in the box at the top of the screen. 3SIS New Time Log Database
This is the page that appears when you do a search by member name. If you get more than one response, just find the individual that you want and click on their name. 4SIS New Time Log Database
There are two sections to the Member’s Page, on the next 2 slides we will discuss the top half, after that we will discuss the bottom half-the time log part of this screen. The first thing to note is that the member’s name, address and eGrants ID (NSPID) have been imported for you already. Now you have the option of editing the Site where the member is doing their service. If you choose to do so, once you are done, click the “Save Site” button. 5SIS New Time Log Database
Please notice that under the member’s name it shows “Data Saved”. Also please note that the middle box on this screen is for the Mid-Term Evaluation. This is in red because it has not been checked. Once it has been checked, this text will be black and the box will show a check mark in it. 6SIS New Time Log Database
Let’s take a moment to look at this empty Time Log field on the Member’s page. You will notice that the totals are in the right hand column. The center of the field will show you time logs that have been approved and time logs that are waiting to be approved. And note that the bottom of the screen has the totals again. 7SIS New Time Log Database
This is what you will see for your member’s time logs the first time you log in to enter their time. Right now in the box for “Create New Time Log:” the only option is August As we reach each new month, that month will become available (i.e. on September 1 st, there will be two months in the drop down box, August 2009 and below that September 2009). Find the month you need and click “Add”. 8SIS New Time Log Database
This is what you will see when you open a new, blank, time log. Just fill in the hours as appropriate and when you are done you have the option to “Submit Hours for Approval” or “Save Hours but don’t Submit”. Please note that the left column is labeled for up to 6 different sites. 9SIS New Time Log Database
This is what the time log will look like after you enter in the hours. You must use the “Tab” key to go from field to field. That will allow the database to update the totals based on what you have just entered. Please note that you have a comments field where you can enter information. Additionally, there is a log at the bottom of the page that keeps track of who has accessed this time log, and when they did so. 10SIS New Time Log Database
After you have submitted your hours for approval, this is the screen you will get. You have the option to add another time sheet, return to this member’s page, search for another member, log out, etc. 11SIS New Time Log Database
This is what the member’s page will look like after the time log has been approved. Notice how the totals on the right and on the bottom have been updated. Also notice how on the bottom, under the % Total Hours: column, 24.44% of 900 is in red. This indicated that the member has exceeded their 20% allowance of Member Development hours. At this point you may want to send your member an letting them know this. Scroll back to the top of this page. 12SIS New Time Log Database
Part of the information that is downloaded from eGrants, is the member’s address. It is hard to tell on this screen but that address is a different color than the rest of the text. That is because it is a hyperlink. Once you click on the member’s address, a new blank should open from your account. 13SIS New Time Log Database
This is what it looks like from my screen. A new window opened up with the member’s address already in the “To” field. 14SIS New Time Log Database
15SIS New Time Log Database Suppose you want to look at all of the members you have in your program. How would you do that? First of all, you will click on the word “Coordinator” in the red box at the top of the screen.
16SIS New Time Log Database Here you have 3 options. “Reports” and “Download Member Information” will be covered in another training. Right now, just click on “View Members”.
17SIS New Time Log Database Once you click on “View Members” on the previous page, this is the screen you will go to. I will warn you now, that this is a somewhat tedious process. The first step is to click on the year.
18SIS New Time Log Database Now you will need to click on the State.
19SIS New Time Log Database Now, click on your school. (I told you this would be tedious!)
SIS New Time Log Database20 At last, you have a list of your members. To look at a specific member’s page, just click on their name.
This has been a simple introduction to the new time log database. We will provide additional training on how to download a list of your members to Excel, how to do common reports, and how to grant your member “read-only” access to their time log accounts. We will let you know when these additional trainings are available. Thank you, and if you need further assistance please contact us at 21SIS New Time Log Database