DOI Syntax - NISO Standard? Ed Pentz Academic Press
Overview National Information Standards Organization (NISO) –Informal Workgroups - 97/98 scope (what a DOI can refer to), syntax (how a DOI is represented),rights metadata, descriptive metadata, application services, and vendor implementations. Syntax best for NISO NISO Voting on Work Item for DOI Syntax
Prefix Prefix – Assigned by Directory Manager – - Directory (numeric, two digits) – Registrants Prefix (numeric, no limit)
Suffix Suffix – determined by DOI Registrant – Type Designation (alphanumeric, uppercase for ISO, ANSI/NISO standards, no limits) Authority List - ISSN,ISBN, SICI, BICI, PII, ISRC, ISAN – Object Identifier (any alphanumeric character, no limits)
Issues Encoding characters - URI Syntax Handle system as URN namespace? Type Designation (better name?) format of ISO, ANSI/NISO standards authority list?
Working Group Open Interested in Syntax? Ed Pentz