Influencing European Arrest WarrantEuropean Arrest Warrant Joint Investigation TeamsJoint Investigation Teams TerrorismTerrorism JHA Council Decisions of December 2002 & March 2004JHA Council Decisions of December 2002 & March 2004 Annual Report 2003Annual Report 2003 –Eurojust to Report to JHA Council by end May 2004 Decisions on JurisdictionDecisions on Jurisdiction Working with Third StatesWorking with Third States Need for clarity & a joined-up approachNeed for clarity & a joined-up approach –Eurojust, EJN, Europol, PCTF, OLAF
Domestic Competent Authorities Domestic Competent Authorities EJN (European Judicial Network) EJN (European Judicial Network) Europol Europol Liaison Magistrates Liaison Magistrates OLAF (Office pour la Lutte Anti-Fraude) OLAF (Office pour la Lutte Anti-Fraude) EU Candidate Countries EU Candidate Countries Other Countries Contact Points: Other Countries Contact Points: USA, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, etc. USA, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, etc. Key Partners
Casework Examples Two Human Trafficking CasesTwo Human Trafficking Cases Case A - UK FranceCase A - UK France Case B - France Spain Bulgaria & AlbaniaCase B - France Spain Bulgaria & Albania
Case A (i) Human trafficking caseHuman trafficking case Sophisticated network moving people from Indian sub-continent into the EUSophisticated network moving people from Indian sub-continent into the EU Collection point in France for movement to the UKCollection point in France for movement to the UK Separate enquiries in France and in EnglandSeparate enquiries in France and in England
Human Trafficking Case A Case A
Case A (ii) UK and France investigators/prosecutors met at Eurojust in The Hague on 4 NovemberUK and France investigators/prosecutors met at Eurojust in The Hague on 4 November Discussed their linked investigationsDiscussed their linked investigations –in France; Orcriest - Commissioner and Police Captain andOrcriest - Commissioner and Police Captain and Examining magistrate from Bobigny in ParisExamining magistrate from Bobigny in Paris –in England NCS - TelfordNCS - Telford CPS at Casework Directorate in BirminghamCPS at Casework Directorate in Birmingham
Case A (iii) ObjectivesObjectives –Ensure effective co-ordination of both cases –Facilitate execution of Letters of Request –develop future strategy and actions Overview of both enquiriesOverview of both enquiries Exchange of information and state of play on investigations in each jurisdictionExchange of information and state of play on investigations in each jurisdiction Preparation of draft letter of requestPreparation of draft letter of request Evidential requirementsEvidential requirements
Case A (iv) Evidential requirementsEvidential requirements –Did draft request meet French legal criteria –the form the material was to be sent to UK –telephone billing and subscriber checks –Possibility of English investigators using French telephone intercept material as evidence in the English prosecution
Case A (v) Also agreedAlso agreed –Arrests to take place in France on agreed date –Interviews of any defendants to take place in England or France: English and French investigators to be present –Further meeting at Eurojust in early 2004 to exchange information on progress and to decide on any future co-operation and action
Human Trafficking Case B Case B
Case B Involving France (Paris & Perpignan) and Barcelona in Spain and trafficking of women (mainly minors) for prostitution from Romania by Albanian crime gangsInvolving France (Paris & Perpignan) and Barcelona in Spain and trafficking of women (mainly minors) for prostitution from Romania by Albanian crime gangs Facilitation of evidence collection in Romania and AlbaniaFacilitation of evidence collection in Romania and Albania Evidence relating to forgery and use of false French passportsEvidence relating to forgery and use of false French passports Denunciation of prosecution by the Romanian authoritiesDenunciation of prosecution by the Romanian authorities
The Future ? Medium Term and Long Term PlansMedium Term and Long Term Plans –Focus: key criminal conduct cross-border –Regular Meetings - Operational & Strategic Terrorism, Trafficking Human Beings & Drugs, Fraud & Money LaunderingTerrorism, Trafficking Human Beings & Drugs, Fraud & Money Laundering Joint Investigation Teams - a monitoring role ?Joint Investigation Teams - a monitoring role ? Follow up suggestions made at meetingsFollow up suggestions made at meetings –No enough to bring people together - must add value –Work to remove MLA Blockages Must deliver good results consistentlyMust deliver good results consistently not just good storiesnot just good stories
- The Role and Work of Eurojust - Combating International Crime and Adding Value Mike Kennedy President of the College of Eurojust National Member for the United Kingdom