Permanent address: Piossasco, Torino (Italy) I got my master degree in Communication Engineering in 2011 from Politecnico di Torino. In the past year, I worked as a research assistant of Telecommunication Networks at the Politecnico di Torino. My interests focus on wireless ad-hoc mesh and vehicular networks. Name: Carlo Borgiattino Date of birth: 15 March 1985 Particulars
Master thesis Title: Multifrequency Vehicle-Infrastructure communication Evaluating the advantages given by the use of non conventional low-frequency bands in vehicular communication In particular: Implement a new signalling protocol for content dowloading in VANETs; Test the protocol behaviour and performance; Compare the multifrequency communication to the single frequency one. Advisors: Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini Objective:
WHITE SPACES Spectrum: UHF, in particular below 1 GHz. Applications: Advantages Longer transmission range Additional bandwidth Disadvantages respect to ISM bands Spatial variation Spectrum fragmentation Temporal variation Wide area coverage Remote monitoring Vehicular communication Multifrequency vehicle-infrastructure communication Use of non conventional low-frequency band
Protocol overwiev Scenario: VANETs experimental test Goal content downloading service safety information Network components: Central Controller (CC) Road Side Unit (RSU) Vehicles Use specific signalling messages Multifrequency communication
The Villa Gualino testbed AP1 CC AP2 Multifrequency communication: 700 MHz channel is emulated by 5 GHz network APs and vehicle communicate at 2.4 GHz
The equipment The moving vehicle The roadside unit
Current & Future Work Test with a real 700 MHz channel in Val di Viù (TO) [1]; Creating a RSSI map of the access point coverage in the database of the CC; Model vehicular network using queueing theory. References: [1] C.Borgiattino, C. Casetti, C.-F. Chiasserini, N. Di Maio, A. Ghittino, M. Reineri Experiences with UHF Bands for Content Downloading in Vehicular Networks, Workshop on …., WCNC 2012, Paris, France, April 2012.
Thank you!