S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-1
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-2 DOMESTIC MARKET ANALYSIS – GENERAL Games create about USD million in revenues in The market would keep an annual growth rate of 20-30% in the next five years However there’s a very strong re-distribution of vendors and products. Five years ago about 80% of market shares belong to top-5 vendors. This ratio has reduced to less than 60% now and would continue going down. The main reason is their “big titles” have aged after many years. New replacements cannot create the kind of attention the “big titles” hat at their time. Online game market is getting more and more fragmented Legal framework for games would become less restricted, especially with mobile games. New areas would be legalized: sport betting, online gambling Customers’ behavior has changed: less loyalty, more choosing Competition would get very fierce with countless numbers of new vendors (especially in mobile). However there would be few generic vendors. Most vendors would try to find niche markets and focus on that More regional players enter the market Besides remaining the largest market. Vietnam would become the largest outsourcing countries in SE Asia to make mobile games for markets such as Japan, America, Europe
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-3 DOMESTIC MARKET ANALYSIS – MOBILE Sharp move of games and other social media services from desktop-based to mobile-based. Take “chan” card game for example, in Apr 2013 about 5% of its concurrent users played the game from mobile. In Apr 2013 that ratio has moved up to nearly 40% In the next 05 years VN would have about 30 million smartphone users. Android would become dominant OS with at least 70% market share, IOs would follow with 25%, Windows about 5% 20 million new users would switch from feature phone to smartphones. Many would first time play games and use social networks
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-4 SE ASIA MARKET ANALYSIS Largest markets (for games) in SE Asia are Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. The size of those 04 markets are similar and would reach USD1billion each in 2018 To date SEA has very few regional vendors (for online games) Mobile games market are starting from nearly zero in 2012, however would grow fast and reach 50% or market value in 2018 Vietnam is ahead of other SEA markets in terms of production and publishing experience. Some best VNes internet companies would aim to regional operation, including mobile publishing, game studios, e-commerce On the other hand, Internet companies from other SEA countries would enter Vietnam market thru M&A with local firms. Most likely are vendors from Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-5 TAMTAY Becoming the number 1 online card games company in SE Asia
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-6 TAMTAY’S CARD GAMES MODEL Tamtay has invented a unique business model for card games with proven success in Vietnam for many years. In this model users are offered popular local card games in a social network environment with extensive interaction. Besides, all games are multi-platform allowing users with different end-devices (PC, table, mobile phones) to play smoothly with each other The monetization model is a mix between freemium and paid-for-playing time From both product technology and game publishing (customer services) Tamtay is well ahead other local companies in SE Asia regarding card games.
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-7 STRATEGY TO EXPAND Tamtay’s strategy is to multiply Vietnam model to other SEA markets through either local hires or partnership with local publishers. Most games would be made in local languages The role of the local partners would be to help our game studio to design local card games (we would build it in Vietnam), and then publish the games in their countries thru various channels. Tamtay can assist local partners with our experience in publishing card games in VN In 2014 Tamtay would make the first move into two markets: The Philippines and Indonesia. In Q our first game for the Philippines would be released
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-8 ACTIVE USER PROJECTION FOR CARD GAMES Vietnam Monthly Active Market share10%12%15%18%20% Philippines Monthly Active Market share05%9%10%14% Indonesia Monthly Active Market share05%7%8%10% Thailand Monthly Active Market share005%7%10% Others SEA markets Monthly Active Market share
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-9 03 – YEAR INVESTMENT PLAN FOR SE ASIA Card game studio for SE Asian Indonesia branch Philippines branch Thailand operation Other Total investment needed Revenues Investment from external sources O3-Year Investment Plan for SE Asia
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-10 REVENUES PROJECTIONS (USD MILLION) G1 (card games) Domestic Overseas G2 (MMO publishing) Domestic G4 (mobile casual) All markets FancipanAll markets Total Revenue
S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A LS T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L Page-11 CARD GAMES: WORKING PLAN FOR 2014 MilestonesAction Q Launching of the first local card game for the Philippines market (this game has comparatively simple rules. Tamtay can build this game without the help of a local partner) -Finalize agreement with a Filipino partner to perform marketing and user services for the game Q2-Q Finalize a local partner or staff in Indonesia -Building a team for the Philippines Q Start other games for Filipino market to build a complete social network for local card game lovers -Complete production for a mobile app containing 03 major card games for Indonesia Card games: Working Plan for 2014