Coaches Coach Hays A decade of cross country coaching experience. 9 consecutive state championship appearances in Georgia. Best state finish as a head coach- 6 th in Georgia 6A in th in 5A in Coach Warner-Collegiate runner for FSU. Brings a lot of expertise to the program. Coach McGregor- Head lacrosse coach. Competitive marathon runner.
Practice Schedule Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Fowler Park 6:15 am – 8:15 am Tuesdays and Thursdays (6:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
Race Schedule Bob Blastow Early Bird Carrollton Warpath A Preview Furman Nike-Fleet Feet Coach Wood Invitational Region Championship State Championship
Forms Needed For This Summer: Physicals turned into Brenda Hamilton in the front office of FCHS
Booster Club Dues $250 Athletes receive shirts Athletes who ran this summer receive mileage shirts
Out Of State Race This Year: Furman: South Carolina on October 10th
Sponsorship We will be selling sponsorships for $250 (two of these and dues are ½ off) $500 (half off dues with this level) $1,000 (dues are free with this level)
Home Meet: 5A State Meet Preview Date: 9/29 We will need parents to work this event
Uniforms Order and pick up from A-Team this summer.
Spike Night August at Totally Running Student discounts will be given.
Pasta Parties 1 st pasta party is at Rosatti’s in Cumming Our booster club president will be organizing the pasta parties each Friday before race days. The pasta party before the 5A State Preview will be at Mary Alice. Athletes will also have practice there.
Attendance Attendance will be marked daily. If a runner misses 5 unexcused absences they will have to sit out a race and will be assigned one week of manager duties (getting Gatorade etc.)
Where have we been? Boys 1 st state championships appearance 2014-Distance FCHS track records 1600, 3200 (Max Warner) 2014 Forsyth County 3200 record (Max Warner) th at the state championship 2014 State runner-up (Max Warner) region champions K school record (Austin Campbell) K school record (Bonnie McKinnon) school record & 12 th at state (Nico Seaton) x 800 Forsyth County Record
Where are we now? The best teams are made in the summer 2 hour practices 5 days a week. Runners at camps across the country from the seniors going to Colorado, the girls traveling to South Carolina for Furman and Nike in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Summer Team Camp- Florida July 20 th -25th
Where are we going? If not now…then when? If not us…then who? Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.