1 Distributed Database Concepts 8:30-10:00AM Thursday, July 21 st 2005 CSIG05 Chaitan Baru
2 What is the issue? Ability to access data stored in multiple, different databases using a single request, e.g. –Get geologic information from multiple geologic databases –Get employee information from all branches Ability to update data stored in multiple databases, e.g. –Transfer salary amount from University to my bank account –Transfer funds from Visa account to vendor’s account
3 Distributed data access Client Database 1Database 2Database 3 Homogeneous: mySQL mySQL mySQL Heterogeneous: mySQL Oracle DB2 How about creating a “cached” local copy? mySQLExcelASCII flat file
4 Data Warehousing Client Data Source 1 Data Source 2Data Source 3 Data Warehouse (common schema) ETL – Extract – Transform – Load ETL 1. Load data from sources to warehouse 2. Query processing interaction only between client and warehouse But, warehouse data could be “stale”, i.e. out of synch with source data…
5 Data integration via middleware Client Database 1 Database 2Database 3 Data integration Middleware (aka Mediator) 1. Each client request goes to sources, via middleware 2. Result collected by middleware and returned to client
6 Warehousing vs Mediation Warehousing: User ETL to “massage” local data to fit into a common global, warehouse schema Mediation: Modify user query to match schemas exported by each source –But, which schema does the user query? –The Integrated View Schema –Sources “export” a view (the export schema) Federated databases –Local sources belong to different “administrative domains”, i.e. different owners. –Local autonomy
7 The Canonical Mediator / Wrapper Architecture Client Application Wrapper Mediator (Integrated view in mediator data model, e.g. relational, XML) Local view in local data model Export view in mediator data model Q1Q1 Q 11 Q 12 Q 13 Q 14 Cached data Wrapper processes could execute at sources, at mediator, or elsewhere q 14 Data source 1 Local schema Data source 2 Local schema Data source 3 Local schema Data source 4 Local schema
8 Example: A Relational Mediator Client Application Mediator (Relational data model) Wrapper Relational DBMS e.g. PostGIS Shape file
9 Example: A Shape-file Based Mediator Client Application Mediator (Shape file-based data model) Wrapper Relational DBMS e.g. PostGIS Shape file
10 Example: An XML Mediator User / Applications Mediator (XML-based data model, e.g. GML) Wrapper Relational DBMS e.g. PostGIS Shape file Wrapper XML file e.g. ArcXML
11 User Authentication and Access Control Client Application Mediator Wrapper Data source 1 Data source 2 2. User connects to mediator (passes credentials to mediator) 1. User authenticates to system 3.Mediator connects to sources a)Using original user credentials b)Or, mapped credentials (role-based access) 4. Need to define users or roles in sources
12 Different types of heterogeneity in data integration Platform heterogeneity: different OS platforms DBMS heterogeneity: different database systems, e.g. SQLServer, mySQL, DB2 Data type heterogeneity Schema heterogeneity Heterogeneity in units, accuracy, resolution Semantic heterogeneity
13 A long standing Computer Science problem Simple case –Mediator View: (SampleID varchar, Rock_Type varchar, Age int) –In Source2 Table, map Age to int Wrapper: convert between int and varchar for Age Wrapper Sample ID: Rock type: Age: … varchar varchar int Schema Integration Sample ID: Rock type: Age: … varchar varchar varchar Source 1 Table Source 2 Table
14 Another integration scenario –Mediator View: (SampleID varchar, Rock_Type varchar, Age varchar, Era varchar, Period varchar) –In Source 2 Table, parse Age to obtain sub-components of the field Sample ID: Rock type: Eon: Era: Period: varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar Phanerozoic Mesozoic Jurassic “Phanerozoic/mesozoic;jur” Source 1 Table Sample ID: Rock type: Age: varchar varchar varchar Source 2 Table
15 A more advanced integration scenario Mediator View: (SampleID varchar, Rock_Type varchar, Eon varchar, Era varchar, Period varchar) –Same as Source1 table schema Query: Get rock types for all rocks from the Jurassic period Sample ID: Rock type: Eon: Era: Period: varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar Phanerozoic Mesozoic Jurassic 150 Source 1 Table Sample ID: Rock type: Age: varchar varchar int Source 2 Table
16 Doing the integration Query sent to mediator: SELECT DISTINCT(Rock_Type) FROM Mediator_View WHERE Period=‘Jurrasic’ Query to Source 1: SELECT DISTINCT(Rock_Type) FROM Source1_Table WHERE Period=‘Jurrasic’ For Source2, need to map Period=“Jurassic” to Age values Sample ID: Rock type: Age: varchar varchar int Source 2 Table Eon: Era: Period: Min Max varchar varchar varchar int int Geologic_Time Table
17 Query “fragment” sent to Source 2 SELECT DISTINCT (S2.Rock_Type) FROM Source2_Table S2, Geologic_Time_Table GT WHERE GT.Period = ‘Jurrasic’ AND (S2.Age >= GT.Min) AND (S2.Age <= GT.Max) Where is the Geologic_Time table stored ?
18 Another complex query Query: Get rock types for all rocks from the mesozoic era –Easy to do for Source 1: Era = “Mesozoic” –For Source 2: Need to find numeric age range for Mesozoic –Find age range across all subclasses of Mesozoic (Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic) Select all Source 2 Table records whose age range falls within the Mesozoic age range
19 Data Integration Carts © Integrating data sets without explicitly creating views An example request: Plot all gravity data points that fall within the spatial extent of rocks of a given type, in the Rocky Mountain testbed region –Use GEONsearch to find all gravity and geologic data using bounding box for “Rocky Mountain testbed region” Need gazeteer / spatial ontology to determine Rocky Mountain region Need to know classification of datasets (as gravity and geology) Intersect extent of gravity and geologic datasets (from metadata) with extent of Rocky Mountain region –Plot gravity point data that fall within polygons of rocks of given type
20 Ad hoc integration GEONsearch Plot map Map Data Integration Cart © Query Search Metadata Catalog “Geologic and gravity data in Rocky Mountains”
21 Data Registration Igneous GraniteQuartzmonzonite Rock Classification Ontology Gravity dataset (X, Y) Metadata Geologic dataset Lat, Long, RockType Metadata Item Detail Registration Item Registration (Schema registration) Location LatitudeLongitude Spatial OntologyPoint Polygon
22 Data Registration is Important!