Review of tests of superconducting magnets in SM18 - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM-AS Field Quality of MQ. Measured in SM18 Presented by: Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM-AS
Review of tests of superconducting magnets in SM18 - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM-AS What we measured so far. 49 arc SSS tested at cold. Field strength :48 MQ measured : 7 MQ measured with the scanner (rotating coils). 40 MQ measured with the SSW system. Analysis performed on 21 MQ. Field Quality (multipoles) :16 MQ’s magnets cold tested in the SSS. 15 X-section 1+1 X-section 2
Review of tests of superconducting magnets in SM18 - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM-AS Warm/cold correlation status (MQ). Offset of~17 units between the two systems. scanner not properly calibrated ? MQ 120 (X section-2) out of the correlation. W/C correlation for strength not validated for the MQ. Standard measurements (shaft + SSW) have to be maintained for MQ ‘s in the SSS until validation. w/c ~5 units (SSW) w/c ~3 units (scanner) (established at nominal current)
Review of tests of superconducting magnets in SM18 - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM-AS Warm/cold correlation status (MQ). MQ 120 MQ 120 (X section-2) out of the correlation units of difference. Nominal : Offset of units. w/c ~0.22 units Injection : Offset of -3.8 units. w/c ~0.33 units Offset of -0.3 units. w/c ~0.36 units b6b6 b4b4