Field Quality Working Group - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM Field Quality of MQ: Warm/cold correlation. S.Sanfilippo, M.Calvi, N.Sammut, L.Bottura, P.Hagen, E.Todesco AT-MTM/AT-MAS
Field Quality Working Group - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM Measurements at 1.9 K (august 2005). 150 arc SSS tested at cold. Field strength : data from 29 MQ’s available 8 first MQ measured with the scanner (rotating coils). 21 MQ measured with the SSW system. SSW system is the reference system at A. Field Quality (multipoles) :21 MQ’s cold tested in the SSS. 8 first MQ’s measured with the scanner, 13 MQ with long shafts. 15 with X-section 1, 6 with X-section 2 6 MQ’s measured since the impact of the high on the W/C correlation was found out (November 2004): MQ 114, MQ 120, MQ142, MQ145, MQ151,MQ173.
Field Quality Working Group - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM Warm/cold correlation status for Gdl/i Data for the scanner shifted by 17 units (offset between the two systems ) (established at nominal current) w/c ~20 units w/c ~4 units 6 apertures outside the correlation: MQ 120 (x2), MQ 145 (x2), MQ114 (ap 1),MQ 142 (ap 2). Criteria ( Difference with T.C >>3 w/c ) value-fit (unit) ap1ap2 MQ MQ MQ114-28OK MQ142OK-27 T.C
Field Quality Working Group - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM Warm/cold correlation status for b 6 (established at nominal current) 6 apertures outside the correlation: MQ 120 (x2), MQ 145(x2), MQ114 (ap 1), MQ 142 (ap 2), Criteria ( Difference with T.C>>3 w/c ) w/c ~ units w/c ~0.26 units value-fit (unit) ap1ap2 MQ MQ MQ OK MQ142OK2.74 T.C
Field Quality Working Group - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM Warm/cold correlation status for b 6 (established at injection current) 7 apertures outside the correlation: MQ 120 (x2), MQ 145 (x2), MQ114 (ap 1), MQ 142 (x1) MQ 173 (ap1) Criteria ( Difference with T.C>>3 w/c ) w/c ~ units w/c ~0.4 units value-fit (unit) ap1ap2 MQ MQ MQ OK MQ142OK1.60 MQ OK T.C
Field Quality Working Group - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM Warm/cold correlation status for b 10 (established at nominal current) 6 apertures outside the correlation: MQ 120(x2), MQ 145(x2), MQ114 (ap 1),MQ 142 (ap2) Criteria ( Difference with T.C >>3 w/c ) w/c ~ units w/c ~0.03 units value-fit (unit) ap1ap2 MQ MQ MQ OK MQ142OK-0.22 T.C
Field Quality Working Group - Stephane Sanfilippo AT-MTM Conclusions 6/58 apertures out of the warm/cold correlation for TF,b 6,b 10. Analysis performed with 3 systems of measurements at 1.9 K. Magnets feature b 6 close or below 2 units at warm. Measurements to be performed with magnets where the is known and out of tolerance. reminder :20 SSS to be measured till the end of 2006.