SRA of the Photonics21 ETP FP7-ICT cooperation market on broadband communication 16th Mobile Summit - Budapest, Hungary - 5 July 2007 Sebastian Krug, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH - Secretariat Photonics21
The “Blue Book” Autumn 2004: Start of an industry-led European photonics initiative Februar 2005: Joint strategy paper “Photonics for the 21st Century” December 2005: Foundation of the ETP Photonics21 April 2006: Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) „Towards a Bright Future for Europe“
Photonics21 Work Groups WG7: Research, Education and Training WG5: Security, Metrology and Sensors WG6: Optical Components and Systems WG1: Information and Communication WG2: Industrial Manufacturing and Quality WG3: Life Sciences and Health WG4: Lighting and Displays Applications Cross-sectoral
Photonics21 Work Groups WG7: Research, Education and Training WG5: Security, Metrology and Sensors WG6: Optical Components and Systems WG1: Information and Communication WG2: Industrial Manufacturing and Quality WG3: Life Sciences and Health WG4: Lighting and Displays Applications Cross-sectoral
Photonics21 Work Groups WG7: Research, Education and Training WG5: Security, Metrology and Sensors WG6:OpticalComponents and Systems and Systems WG1: Information and Communication WG2: Industrial Manufacturing and Quality WG3: Life Sciences and Health WG4: Lighting and Displays Applications Cross-sectoral
40 Gbps system design in the core (multiplexing, modulation, fiber technologies) 10 Gbps system design in metro areas (optical packet networks) 1Gbps system design when entering the home (fiber-based broadband photonic home networks) Production strategies and systems for the integrated manufacturing and packaging of components and subsystems General research objectives (from the SRA)
Laser diodes with shorter wavelength (UV), single frequency, higher power Optical components like highspeed spatial light modulators, aspheric glass lenses with high NA, etc. High-speed, low-noise, short wavelength enhanced single element and array detectors Holographic replication equipment (for providing mass-produced pre-recorded holographic disc) Technical objectives (short to mid term)
Semiconductor lasers without cooling High power / beam quality solid-state lasers Optical generation of millimetre wave signals (tuning range, compactness, stability, reliability) Silicon photonics based on CMOS compatible technology (implementation of functionalities) Technical objectives (short term)
Controlled self-organization of structures (such as photonic crystals) RT operating Quantum Cascade Lasers Novel function enabling materials (metamaterials, e.g. negative refractive indices) Controlled self assembling of hybrid integrated photonics devices Technical objectives (mid term)
ICT Photonics Call 2007 “Photonic Components & Subsystems” call identifier:FP7-ICT call published:12 June 2007 call closure:9 October 2007 indicative budget:90 M€
Photonics component research FP5 – FP7 Source: European Commission
Structure of the call
Core Photonic Components & Subsystems
Application-specific Components & Subsystems
Underlying Technologies
Organic and large-area electronics and display systems (including OLEDs) - Call 1 The Network of the Future (broadband networks and ultra high speed) - Call 1 ICT for Health – Call 1 Future and Emerging Technology - Open Call Other ICT call topics relevant to Photonics
Materials (Activity 4.2) –Knowledge-based smart materials with tailored properties –Non-(Si,Ge) based semiconductors for electronics and photonics Integration of technologies for industrial applications (Activity 4.4) –Expanding the limits of advanced materials processing applications through a new generation of high brilliance lasers Photonics in NanoMatPro (NMP)
Thank you Contact: Information:
Thank you Contact: Inventory of European Optics and Photonics Research and Industry: Additional sources: