Chapter 14 Psychology McGonigle Personality
Hippocrates Oath – taken by all surgeons upon becoming doctors Body – made up of different humors (fluids)- these determine personality traits Explains processes such as bloodletting, vomitariums, etc.
4 Basic Fluids Yellow Bile- Associated with choleric, quick tempered disposition Blood- Connected w/ sanguine, warm or cheerful temperament (rosy cheeks)-Santa Phlegm- Phlegmatic or sluggish and cool disposition Black Bile- Melancholy, sad, thoughtful
Gordon Allport Indexed 18,000 human traits – personality traits Traits can be inherited + are fixed in the nervous system Traits are the building blocks of personality.
Hans Eysenck Focuses on relationships between 2 personality dimensions Introverts- imaginative + look inward rather than to other people for ideas Extroverts- Active + self expressive+ gain energy from interacting w/others.
Big Five- Personality Factors Extroversion-assertiveness v. silence Agreeableness-kindness + trust v. selfishness Conscientiousness-organized, thorough v. carelessness Emotional Stability- Reliability and Coping v. moodiness. Openness to experience- Contrasts curiosity + imagination with shallowness.