Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 1 New Challenges on Nuclear Power Mihaela Stiopol, I C Bilegan, Stefan Pall, Romanian «Nuclear Energy» Association
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 2 This paper is not addressing to the experts in nuclear field. The nuclear world is continously looking for improvements, new solutions, and all these must be known by the public. The paper tries to present these new major trends. As communicator, we must be very well informed, in order to make known to the public, in a proper and efficient way, the latest achievements of this alternative technology. Our community must be proud that we have the possibility to be the “speakers” of a high technology: nuclear power which will be part of our future. The paper is a thinking/model how to present to the public the new prospects and benefices of nuclear power in achieving the requests of sustainable development. Why this topic ?
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 3 Present Directions of Nuclear Power Development 1. Reconsidering the nuclear fuel cycles (open, closed) 2. Improvement of PNP's present performance (rise of power generation, GFC, life extension, modern O&M techniques...) 3. New strategies and politics (governmental financial support for new NPP, construction efforts strengthening...) 4. Near&Medium term prospects (Advanced NPP, G-III + ) 5. Long term prospects (FBR, PBMR, Generation-IV...) 6. Fusion (ITER) 7. Complementary systems (Hydrogen, Hydro Pumped Storage Plants, Desalination, Heat Production...)
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 4 World Consumption of Primary Energy (Gtoe) WEC98
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 5 Source : J. Laherrère
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 6 Estimated Electrical Energy from the use of different fuelskWh/kg Hardwood1 Coal3 Heavy oil4 Natural gas6 Natural uranium Low enriched uranium (3-4%), “once through” Cyclically reprocessed uranium Plutonium with reprocessing Thorium with reprocessing
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 7 Nuclear in the world (2002) 441 NPP in 31 countries (Generation II and III) 87 % LWR (Light water reactors) 360 GWe installed capacity 2,544 TWh electricity generated 16% of electricity world production 5 groups of countries : Korea, Japan, France, Russia, … USA Developing countries Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden,... Italy, Austria, …
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 8 Sustainable Development: Main Advantages of Nuclear Technologies Preservation of fossil ressources Reserves (U-Th) well spreaded & abundant No other interferrring uses for U- Th No emmisssions of GHG Minimal volume of waste, confined and strictly controlled U Costs : small % from costs of kWh, stability of the electricity price
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 9 Responsibility of Electricity Generation for C0 2 equiv. Emissions “Life Cycle” (source: EI, KUL)
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 10 (source: USDOE) Generation II Generation I Generation III Generation IV
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 11 “Generation III” – Main features Construction time: 4 years Nuclear fuels: UO 2 and MOX Fuel Burnup > 60 GWj/t, Gross Capacity Factor > 0,9 Outage and refueling period : 24 months Core damage frequency < ev./ reactor. year Containement release frequency < ev./ reactor. year Collective workers dose < 0,8 man.Sv /year
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 12 “Generation III” Reactor Concepts ABWR + GEBWR 1350MWe (L) SWR 1000 Framatome ANPBWR 1013MWe ESBWRGEBWR 1380MWe AP600WestinghousePWR 610MWe (L) AP1000WestinghousePWR 1090MWe APWR + MitsubishiPWR 1538MWe EPR Framatome ANPPWR 1500MWe S80+ + ABBPWR 1345MWe (L) PBMRESKOMHTR 120MWe GT-MHRGA HTR 300MWe + : in construction or in operation (L) : licensed by NRC
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 13 Generation IV international Forum Overall Mission : u D employable by 2030 u Competitive in various markets u With significant advances in : F Sustainability F Economics F Safety and reliability F Proliferation resistant F Physical protection u Suitable for different applications : Electricity, Hydrogen, Desalination, Heat production Development of one or several nuclear energy systems which are :
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 14 Goals for Future Nuclear Energy Systems Generation IV Save natural resources (U, Th) Reuse (U, Pu) from existing reactors Enhance proliferation resistance Pu burning, Integration of fuel cycle Minimize Waste production Integral recycling of actinides SAFETY Operation/Accidents Severe conditions ECONOMICS Competitiveness Investment cost 5 fundamental criteria Missions and additional criteria Electricity generation Hydrogen production High temperature process heat Long-lived radioactive waste burning High sustainability Symbiosis with existing LWRs Flexible adaptation to diverse fuel cycles
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 16 The goals of the “Generation IV” Adopted by GIF in March “Sustainability” 2. “Reliability and Safety” 3. “Economy”
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 17 Provide sustainable energy generation that meets clean air objectives and promotes long-term availability of systems and effective fuel utilization for worldwide energy production Minimize and manage their nuclear waste and notably reduce the long term stewardship burden in the future, thereby improving protection for the public health and the environment Increase the assurance that they are a very unattractive and least desirable route for diversion or theft of weapons usable materials Technology goal 1: Sustainability
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 18 Excel in safety and reliability Have a very low likelihood and degree of reactor core damage Eliminate the need for offsite emergency response Technology goal 2 : Reliability and Safety
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 19 Have a clear life-cycle cost advantage over other energy sources Have a level of financial risk comparable to other energy projects Technology goal 3: Economy
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 20 The purpose of ITER is to demonstrate that electrical power from thermonuclear fusion is indeed scientifically and technically feasible. In July 2001 was finalized the design of ITER which includes construction and testing of key, full-scale reactor components in collaboration with major industrial partners. The estimated cost is about $/€ 4.5 billion and this would take about ten years. ITER is a joint project conducted by the European Union, Japan, the Russian Federation and Canada, under the auspices of the IAEA. The United States has recently announced it will join the ITER project. China also recently expressed interest in joining the project. Sites for hosting the facility have been offered by Canada, the EU (France, Spain) and Japan. A decision on whether France (Cadarache) or Spain (Vandellos) should be put forward as the EU candidate state to host the ITER project is expected in November FUSION: ITER International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 21 The Initiative “Generation IV” “While we cannot predict the future (of nuclear energy), we can see that there is an opportunity to shape it … ” William D. Magwood, IV (USDOE) 2000 ???
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 22 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The nuclear power remain the most effective mean for base load electricity generation and to reduce CO 2 emissions 2. Their qualities: safety, reliability, economicity, cost stability, security of supply, self-improvement make it compatible with the goals of sustainable development for tomorrow’s world
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 23 CONCLUSIONS: 3. In terms of public acceptance of nuclear power, the governments, together with the professional organizations (Pronuclear NGO), should play an active role in educating the public (more information, transparency, public debates, etc.)
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Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 31 AP600 Reactor (PWR, passive safety) GT-MHR project (HTR, Brayton cycle )
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 32 PBMR (Eskom)
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 33 PBMR with Brayton cycle
Jump to first page PIME 2004, Barcelona February 34 TRISO Nuclear fuel
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