M. Herak, S. Markušić, D. Herak Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science University of Zagreb, Zagreb
Source detail is needed for NGA... Application of modern GMPE requires DETAILED knowledge of source properties. For instance: Abrahamson & Silva (2008), M = 7, R rup = 5 km, R JB = 5 km, F HW = 1, W = 15 km: dip = 45° PGA = 0.48 g dip = 80° PGA = 0.39 g
Croatian FPS database 216 solutions 1909–2012 Excel-database 161 FPS computed by us (first motion polarity) 6 by CMT Harvard, MEDNET, ZUR_RMT 31 by Pondrelli et al. 18 by ARSO, Slovenia
Croatian FPS database P-axis (horizontal projection) – only quality 2 and better Tectonic stresses are directed SW–NE (in the southern and eastern regions) to S–N (in the northern and western parts). This reflects counter- clockwise motions of Adria and its compression against the Dinarides. Most of solutions indicate reverse or strike-slip faulting.
Croatian FPS database In general, solutions agree with tectonics and mapped faults quite well. Banja Luka region (M> 3.95) Zagreb and Pokupsko areas (M > 3.45)
Croatian FPS database – conclusions The database is regularly updated at least twice a year. The database is now good enough to roughly define geometry of faulting in many (but not all!) Croatian and neighbouring regions. Rapid and easy access to data of neighbouring networks would greatly improve solutions (past and future!). An effort to adopt routine moment-tensor computation for local and regional earthquakes is needed! All software is written by us and is free to anyone.