9/17/20151 IPv6 Challenge or The Challenge of IPv6 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson Michael Lambert
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 2 What is the IPv6 Challenge? Goals Applies to all Internet2 members (initially) To g enerate awareness and interest in IPv6 To drive implementation of IPv6 in public-facing websites public-facing mailers and DNS systems.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 3 Goals Provide a foundation for broader participation in v6 deployment by other organizations, such as: IPv6 promoting groups, like the IPv6 Forum Other NRENs The broader R&E community
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 4 Target Audiences Initially, Internet2 members: CEOs CIOs, and VPs for Research
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 5 Metrics An organization will be deemed to have met the IPv6 Challenge if it has enabled a: v6-reachable public web page v6-reachable mail server (sending and receiving) v6 DNS Both AAAA records V6 transport DNS
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 6 Benefits Recognition: On the IPv6 Challenge website At various Internet2 meetings In challenge updates to the Internet2 community throughout the year Right to use of a “IPv6 Challenge” logo for use on an organization’s own website Work in conjunction with media outreach to promote the Website: IPv6Challenge.org
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 7 Features Report on all Internet2 member universities similar to Ron Broesma’s website for DREN: Form for submitting/testing IPv6 capabilities of domains IPv6 training and deployment resources
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 8 Why are we issuing that challenge? As a working group we think v6 should be promoted. The world is changing around us and we need to keep pace. The IPv4 structure will not be able to support the needs of IP networking into the rest of this century.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 9 What does the end game need to look like (3-5 yrs)? Dual Stack campus networks V4 is not going to disappear Public vs Private nets? Some of the networks we provision need to be public some private. There will remain v4 only networks Possible V6 only pockets Residence halls perhaps Sensor nets Other large scale deployments Think handheld Phone implementations
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 10 Current Status of IPv6 HA_Mhtfhiu1EWlhNWJ-Vw/Internet2IPv6.jpg HA_Mhtfhiu1EWlhNWJ-Vw/Internet2IPv6.jpg /QVGWR5VHudmrsRcDoO-3gw/Internet2- IPv6.pdf
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 11
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 12 Current Status of IPv6 We could go look at various counters and graphs etc. but the fact is what we would find is that the v6 traffic in Internet 2 is barely noise compared to the overall traffic. Why is that? Before I answer that lets look at some possible roadblocks to deployment.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 13 What is the Challenge of IPv6? What at this point hinders the growth of IPv6 within our community? Is it financial considerations? Time constraints? Equipment limitations? Need to take responsibility ourselves Lack of information? All of the above?
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 14 What are the challenges? It’s the application space. Web content and Servers need to be v6 enabled. Why can’t we really do this: Web tools really do not support v6, eg. Log analysis tools, general management tools etc. Perhaps browser issues. Has Web 2.0 been analyzed for v4 dependencies. Mail Its so critical campus administrators are nervous about it. Anti-spam infrastructure and v4 dependencies. Are they there?
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 15 What are the challenges? Security Are there adequate and scaleable firewalls, VPN’s and Intrusion protections systems. Do our authentication systems have v4 dependencies? Translation Do we have a means to accommodate either v4 only or v6 only networks? DHCP Many embedded systems rely on aspects of DHCP Auto-config is not always comfortable or possible.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 16 What are the Challenges? IM and related tools. Has anyone taken the time to enable these? Media Streaming/on demand. What about sources like YouTube. What about social networking tools and sites. These tend to be web 2.0. Can we make our content mobile and generally available. Can you provide information to the v6 only connected potential student in Asia.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 17 Why do we need to overcome these Challenges? Its really just a question of will and effort. Developing the will is really a matter of understanding that there is a problem and it needs a medium term solution. NAT is not that solution. That of course is an oversimplification. CIO’s may only control a small piece of these resources. Recognize that v4 was a good introduction but it cannot scale to support the Internet for the next years. We cannot grow in a v4 environment. We can expand in a dual stack environment.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 18 How do we overcome them? As Administrators of campus networks we all need to recognize the value of these infrastructures to our organizations and accept the challenge of future proofing our campuses so that they can continue to function well into the 21st Century.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 19 How do we overcome them? We need to forge partnerships with the elements of the Internet that have successfully addressed some or all of these challenges. How does the Chinese Internet community build IPv6 only networks and have them function? What can we learn from your experiences? How do we go about getting that information?
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 20 How do we overcome them? Some examples: How well does the translation paradigm that you use work? What is the throughput capabilities? How do you deal with security? Are there functioning firewalls/VPN’s or other tools? How do you manage these networks? Performance measurement? Application use measurement? Tools for Configuration control that use v6 transport. Adequate sniffers and monitors. And the list goes on.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 21 Joint Projects The Internet 2 IPv6 working group is certainly interested in promoting some joint projects between Internet 2 and the Chinese Research community. Perhaps testing more extensively some translation tools. Where do they need to be placed? How well do they perform? Do they affect any application performance ?
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 22 Joint Projects One need is for Data Sources to encourage the use of IPv6. Are there mirrors or other types of information sources that we could jointly work to establish? Perhaps some US IPv6 mirrors of Chinese data sources. Are there ways Chinese experts in deploying campus level IPv6 implementations could participate in our V6 workshop activity? At least in assisting in developing materials if not in teaching.
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 23 Joint Projects Are there known deficiencies in some management or monitoring tools that we could develop joint projects to address? These might be in place or something that is desired. Would someone from the Chinese IPv6 community at the campus level be interested in relaying their experience at an Internet 2 Joint Techs meeting?
9/17/2015 Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group Dale Finkelson and Michael Lambert 24 Conclusion There is a growing recognition that IPv6 must be deployed. It will not be deployed the same way in every country or region. Local conditions will vary. It is clear however that all these implementations must interoperate to allow the continual exchange of data. Our communities should work together to make this happen.