1 Development Effectiveness Experience sharing from the Czech National Platform for TRIALOG V strategy meeting Vienna, Dec 4, 2012 Jana Miléřová, FoRS.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Development Effectiveness Experience sharing from the Czech National Platform for TRIALOG V strategy meeting Vienna, Dec 4, 2012 Jana Miléřová, FoRS



Code on Effectiveness 1.Grassroots knowledge 2.Transparency and accountability 3.Partnership 4.Respect to human rights and gender equality 5.Accountability for impacts and their sustainability

Self-assessment % members and observers made self-assessment according to the Code in 2012 Strongest areas of indicators by members: Respect to Human Rights and Gender Equality Accountability for Impacts and their Sustainability Transparency and accountability Weakest areas: Partnership – e.g. insufficient mutual information exchange among partners on cooperation with other stakeholders Some aspects of grassroots knowledge

Actions to be taken forward What FoRS should to for members to improve the areas: FoRS Working groups on specific topic to experience sharing – set up general Terms of Reference and communication among WGs „Summer School“ from members and other stakeholders on actual issues in development and CSOs Further capacity building on evaluation, monitoring, participatory planning, Most Significant Change, evidence- based analysis etc.

Examples of actions in Dev. Eff. How to make assessment more objective? How to build capacities of CSOs besides workshops? How to enhance sharing expertise of the platform members? How to involve small, volunteer- based organisations, with highly limited resources? How to promote the guidelines beyond the platform? … And how to do it with minimum costs? Development Coffee Peer Reviews

9 DevelopmentCoffee.org

10 DevelopmentCoffee.org

11 DevelopmentCoffee.org Themes: How can NGOs and companies work together on poverty reduction around the world? What are the stereotypes in development cooperation? How to ensure positive impacts of projects? What are the new trends in development cooperation? (social media) Speakers: Leading Czech development CSOs Business Platform for Development Cooperation Vodafone Foundation Czech Republic or Globalisation Monitor from Hongkong

12 DevelopmentCoffee.org Key features: Democratic themes proposal and selection (crowdsourcing) Use of social media, but regular meetings are essential Different hosting organisations Informal debate in an atmosphere of trust Concrete stories of good / bad practice Enhanced networking among CSOs, government officials, students, private sector Challenges: Ownership of the process after both co-founders left Need for outputs for wider dissemination Need for evaluation of outcomes

13 Peer Reviews Peer 1 Peer 2 ToR FoRS Code of Effectiveness Self-assessment Interested Peers Briefing WG1 WG2 WG3 Final workshop & report Peer 3

14 Peer Reviews Key features: Concrete objectives Based on a framework (FoRS Code on Effectiveness) But focusing on what the organisation is good at Voluntary (focus, peers selection) Trusted peers with versatile background Platform facilitating the process and networking Challenges: Realistic objectives Buy-in and dedication across organisational hierarchy Sufficient time to discuss the evidence of principles and reach set objectives. „New“ priorities during the peer review process

Conclusions and Challenges CSOs (and others!) are interested in sharing and evaluating their effectiveness, provided they: see benefits for their work, have a clear framework with specific, meaningful indicators, own the process, have sufficient resources to reflect and are systematically supported (FoRS Working Group and Secretariat). DevelopmentCoffee.org and Peer Reviews transform the FoRS Code to a capacity building rather than repression tool, use the wide expertise of the FoRS membership, use tools that are quick, easy & cheap to set-up and run, use social media, but do not replace personal contacts, are fully driven by target groups.

Thank you for your attention! Inka Píbilová Jan Bohm Daniel Svoboda Jana Miléřová