M EASUREMENT IN RESEARCH 報告者:許之馨 授課老師:任維廉 教授
自我介紹 許之馨 台北人 運管系大四 興趣:看電影、吃美食 2
O UTLINE 1. Measurement 2. Validity Content validity Criterion-related validity Construct validity 3. Reliability Standard error measurement Internal consistency Equivalence Stability 4. Response set 3
M EASUREMENT All descriptive and experimental research studies involve some kind of measurement. Two related terms Test Evaluation Formative evaluation Summative evaluation 4
V ALIDITY The tools used in descriptive research Test Questionnaires Interview guide The extent to which a research tool measures what it intends to measure. 5
V ALIDITY Three major type Content validity Criterion-related validity Construct validity 6
C ONTENT VALIDITY Item in research tool Related to the subject matter tested / stated objectives of a course of study or program? Reflecting the emphasis placed in a course or a program? Representative of the universe of items? Non-statistical 7
C ONTENT VALIDITY Test blueprint Two-way chart ( related specific objective to specific content areas ) 8
C RITERION - RELATED VALIDITY Empirical (statistically) Comparison the scores on the to-be-validated test and the scores on a criterion measure Correlation coefficient 9
C RITERION - RELATED VALIDITY Concurrent validity The to-be-validated test and the criterion test were made at same time or after a short interval Predicative validity A much longer time interval exists between the two test situations or the two assessment situations 10
C ONSTRUCT VALIDITY Construct Psychological traits or characteristic Not directly observable but be inferred on the basis of overt behavior To the extent of measuring a theoretical construct or trait Controversial 11
R ELIABILITY The consistency of getting the same or similar responses The accuracy of the score of one person The person’s score obtained on a test is not the person’s true score Standard error measurement(SE M ) The consistency of score of a group of people Internal consistency Equivalence Stability 12
S TANDARD ERROR MEASUREMENT Test someone with all our tremendous number of equivalent forms. Then we will find that scores are not the same. The distribution of scores familiar are resemble the familiar “ normal ” curve. The average of scores is his true score. 13
I NTERNAL CONSISTENCY 15 r : reliability of the full test r 1/2 : reliability of the two half tests
E QUIVALENCE Parallel test form are administration to a group of people at the same time or with very little time lapse. The correlation coefficient is computed between the scores of the two tests. 17
S TABILITY The same test after substantial time lapse One test version here or now and equivalent test version after substantial time interval 18
R ESPONSE SET A consistent tendency to follow a certain pattern in responding to items in a test (questionnaire, interview) Interference with getting usable data Avoiding extreme response option Socially expected response Faking 19
R ESPONSE SET Weaken validity Halo Effect Generosity Error Error of Central Tendency 20
Thanks for your attention Q&A 21