B i o – D i e s e l Oil From Algae “The First Industrial Plant”
Over the past seven years Recursos Renovables Alternativos has been studying and developing a process for the production of Biodiesel from algae.
The first step of this process is a close photobioreactor capable of achieving a very high volumetric productivity, providing at the same time, the necessary reliability and stability to the cultivation process and resulting in a very cost-effective culture system.
Since phototrophic microorganisms are highly diverse in their morphology, one of our first concerns has been the knowledge of the physiology in mass culture.
Nutritional factors are some of the important issues that we have take in consideration. The understanding of macro nutrients like carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, the role that they play in cellular metabolic processes, the effect of the depletion of these elements, the role of essential trace mineral elements like iron that is very important in cellular biochemical composition and its implication in fundamental processes such as photosynthesis has been our priority.
The other major issue involved in mass cultivation of photoautotrophic micro algae concerns effective use of strong light for photosynthetic productivity of cell mass and secondary metabolites.
The knowledge of light penetration depth as a function of cell density, the effect of mixing cultures, the design of the mixing processes inside the photobioreactor, has also been a priority for us. The effective use of light-dark cycle frequencies, the online monitoring of photosynthetic activity through the measuring of dissolved oxygen is just some of the other parameters that we have to evaluate the effectiveness of our process.
The third major issue and also very important part of our technology, are the different mechanical designs that we have included in our photobioreactor, example of this is the CO 2 injection system, the design of the culture mixing process, the fluid dynamics of the culture medium, the design of degassing, the state of the art process control system that monitors the nutrients consumption through the photobioreactor, the re-injection of the necessary macro nutrients and trace minerals, the dewatering system, the online monitoring of the re-injected water, etc…
One of our most important capabilities is the use of one of our patented processes to lice the algae; this process is mechanical and a very cost effective method that allow us to extract the lipids from the disrupted algae.
The water is recycled The fourth major issue concerns state of the art biodiesel production capabilities; the process that we have is a continuous process and is focused on high technology and the compliance of all the European regulations.
Our Process Biodiesel Generation B-100 from Algae Oil. Nutrients CO 2 H 2 O Nutrients CO 2 H 2 O Culture tank Algae O2O2 Extraction BiomassOil Biodiesel Glycerin Nutrient Solution + Biomass Solar Light Photo-Bioreactor AlcoholProtein
Outstanding Points This Biodiesel substitutes Diesel from fossil oil totally (100%) in combustion engines and can be combined in any percentage with fossil fuel as well to better in a relevant percentage the polluting emissions.
Outstanding Points Last generation State of the Art technology.
Outstanding Points It Does Not compete with the food chain
Outstanding Points Auto-sustainable.
Outstanding Points 100% ecological. No waste products or collateral pollution.
Outstanding Points Complies with the strictest environmental norms of the European Community and those of the US regarding pollution and environmental policies.
Outstanding Points Complies with Kyoto Protocol on Environment and Climate change.
Outstanding Points High rate of efficiency in relation to land use. Of 95 million Annual Liters 250 Ha 60,000 Ha Jatropha Algae
Outstanding Points High Return on Investment (ROI = 30% or more) with payback in a period of 3-5 years depending on the selected output. Our Production Cost per Liter: 30 Cents USD Our Production Cost per Liter: 30 Cents USD Litro Diesel (USA) 75 Cents USD Litro Diesel (USA) 75 Cents USD Litro Bio-Diesel (USA) 95 Cents USD Litro Bio-Diesel (USA) 95 Cents USD
Outstanding Points Technology 100% Mexican. Technology Patented in Mexico and Internationally. (80+ countries). 1PCT/MX PCT/MX PCT/MX PCT/MX PCT/MX PCT/MX
Outstanding Points It only requires a)Flat surface, b)Sun light, c)Warm weather and d)Electric Power e)Water. (Water is recycled)