Arctic Ocean Diversity ArcOD Regional focus – three environments: biodiversity in the Arctic sea ice, water column and sea floor from the shallow shelves.


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Presentation transcript:

Arctic Ocean Diversity ArcOD Regional focus – three environments: biodiversity in the Arctic sea ice, water column and sea floor from the shallow shelves to the deep basins Strategy: Compilation of existing data, taxonomic identification of existing samples, new collections focusing on taxonomic & regional gaps.

- - Pan-Arctic - - Across realms - Protists, Invertebrates & Fish - - recent extension into sub-Arctic - - Comparison to CAML Global Scope of Project

GIS modeling based on ArcOD data: Metridia longa, Rutzen et al. Linking diversity to ecosystem functioning: 3 current examples (unpubl.) Linkages between habitats: ice algae control light (Gradinger in press) St. 6 ACW St. 10 AW  13 C  13 C 6.4  13 C 3.2 Comparing ecosystem structure – environment (Iken et al.) More than presence data needed 2007 Scientific Results Tidbits

Changes on community level Sirenko et al. Immigration of new species 2007 Scientific Results Biological implications of Arctic warming Grebmeier et al Sirenko et al. Gradinger, Iken, Bluhm in prep Bottom floe Bottom ridge Ridge side Top ridge Abundance total amphipods Gradinger, Iken, Bluhm Refugia for Arctic taxa

Arctic Diversity invertebrates: ~ 5,000 fishes: ~ 400 microalgae: >400 macroalgae: ~? (NAGISA) New species Current inventory Discovered in ArcOD: ~ 30 To be discovered: few macro, several meio, many micro

Distribution Origin of species: Pacific - Atlantic - Arctic/ endemisms? Least known regions/urgent questions: Diversity of deep sea regions AND Change of ranges as a result of climate change and variability Kosobokova et al Euaugaptilus hyperboreus

Abundance/Biomass There is no such thing as THE Arctic: - Strong gradients on all trophic levels in all habitats - Great variability within shelves & basins - Less known: gradients at central ridges, seeps? Grebmeier et al Pigment content (mg/m 2 ) phaeo (mg/m 2 ) chl (mg/m 2 ) Chukchi ShelfSlope Spring 2002 Gradinger in press Kolga hyalina Chukchi Cap, MacDonald et al. in prep

Steps Toward Project Synthesis - - understand linkages between small-scale / intermediate structure and species/community - capture full range of abundance & distribution e.g.: sea ice pressure ridges, sea floor depressions, ocean fronts (global phenomenon) Bluhm et al. in press Combine community analysis GIS modeling

Steps Toward Realm Synthesis Data integration (ongoing): - Collaboration on pan-Arctic scale - joint data base - input through minigrant process Metridia longa, Rutzen et al. Final product: Manuscripts (Special issue in 2008/09), symposia (2009), book (2010) Kosobokova et al. 2007

Data Synthesis Arctic – Antarctic

Synthesis approach in book project Services of a habitat and its associated flora and fauna for all stakeholders Book about sea ice services to be published in 2008/ Heat budget, coastal erosion, oceanography -Native -Native subsistence hunt -Biodiversity -Beauty -Beauty (Tourism) -Resource -Resource exploration -Will -Will have DVD with video clips produced by group of arts students joining us in the field

Visualization & Communication Iconic graph: Prognostic biodiversity modeling based on Arctic warming impacts aim: identify regions of maximum likelihood of diversity change Similar to: ACIA 2005 report

Visualization & Communication What are 1-2 additional “iconic” graphics summarizing the work of your project or realm that might be considered for the 2010 Synthesis? - Map of current Arctic diversity patterns - -Map of sampling effort in the Arctic - -Map all ship tracks ever conducting scientific sampling in the Arctic

3 major scientific achievements of your project - - species data from past and current Arctic marine research projects incl. IPY made available - - improved taxonomy of Arctic groups - - ( Publication of taxonomic keys) - - Student training Science Impact New species

Baselines for … climate warming … oil and gas exploration … opening of shipping routes … ALL stakeholders Expected Societal Impact

Project Data Available in OBIS The ArcOD data legacy: GBIF/AOOS records: OBIS records: 3238 How much of that is new this year? Almost all Total records available one year from now: >80,000 Species and depth coverage of the data. Nearshore to >3000 m Fishes, zoobenthos, zooplankton, sea ice fauna To come: phytoplankton, sea ice algae (>20,000 records)

Education & Outreach Ocean Hall 2008 IPY calendar Paintings, seminars, Images, Student training

Next Steps Until 2009: continue current data production 2009/2010: Pan-Arctic Analysis as outlined before Beyond 2010: Establish and continue biological monitoring of Arctic seas on Pan-Arctic scale – involve ALL stakeholders Zoo- plankton Benthos Ice algae Phyto- plankton Diving ducks Walrus Gray whale Bearded seal Demersal fish Zoo- plankton Benthos Phyto- plankton Ice algae Sea birds Pelagic fish Minke Bowhead Modified from Carroll and Carroll 2003

Biological Monitoring Effort in Europe

Limits to Knowledge Limits: Same old story: vastness of area, inaccessibility (logistical, political), current focus on processes, lack of taxonomists Solutions: Barcoding, disappearing summer sea ice, ice breakers, ocean observing systems, imaging techniques, Involve public and industry

Acknowledgments Funding: DFG, NOAA, NSF, RAS, Sloan F, and others Funding: DFG, NOAA, NSF, RAS, Sloan F, and others Photo credit: Bluhm, Gradinger, Hopcroft, Iken, Raskoff, Rogacheva, ROV Global Explorer Photo credit: Bluhm, Gradinger, Hopcroft, Iken, Raskoff, Rogacheva, ROV Global Explorer