Creating global connections within an educational environment Teaching, Learning and Technology Conference 2011 Tina Jarvis Pittsford Central School District
Creating global connections within an educational environment E ver wonder what a one roomed schoolhouse might look like in a global village? Come spend three hours together where we can learn how to use certain tools along with an active internet connection to begin to connect our students on a global scale. Teachers will learn how to use ePals to make a global connection with teachers and students from around the world. Google Earth will be used to learn more about their connection classroom and their environment and geography. Teachers will then learn how to set up a learning environment in Moodle for the use of collaborating together through embedded multimedia, RSS feeds and WIKI's. If a video conference connection is not a possibility because of varying time zones, then our teachers will be trained how to capture video using a Flip Camera and embed this into their Moodle for a more authentic connection with their global peers.
Our Agenda 8:30-11:30 8:30-8:45 Introductions 8:45-10:00 ePals 10:00-10:15 Google Earth 10:15-11:00 Moodle 11:00-11:15 Multimedia/Flip Cameras 11:15-11:30 Reflections
High Noon 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them By: J.E. Rischard
Group one (sharing our planet) -global warming -biodiversity and ecosystem losses -fisheries depletion -deforestation -water deficits -maritime safety and pollution
Group two (sharing our humanity) -peacekeeping-conflict -prevention-combating terrorism -education for all -global infectious diseases -digital divide -natural disaster prevention and mitigation
Group three (sharing our rule book) -biotechnology rules -global financial architecture -illegal drugs -trade-investment-competition rules -intellectual property rights -e-commerce rules - international labor and migration rules
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