Air Masses and Fronts
1. Air Mass Quick Facts Air masses are… LARGE (1,000 miles or more) and take weeks to form Similar humidity and temperature named for their SOURCE REGION Identified by two letters Continental (c) Maritime (m) Arctic (A) Polar (P) Tropical (T)
Movement of Air Masses When Air Masses move they bring their temperature and humidity to new areas cP moving into Michigan brings… mT moving in to Michigan brings…
Air Masses Form and Move in Predictable Ways because of… Tilt and Orbit of Earth cause unequal Energy Absorption Shape and Rotation of Earth Cause the Coriolis Effect which create Prevailing Winds
Name the Air Masses cA mA cP mP cT mT
Front… a boundary between Air Masses
2. Cold Fronts vs. Warm Fronts Three Important Notes Shape bulldozer vs. ramp Cloud Types cumulonimbus vs. stratus 3. Precipitation intense vs. steady
Air Masses and Fronts Quiz Name: ____________________ How large are air masses? What is a source region? What are the characteristics of a cP air mass? What are the characteristics of an mT air mass? What do we call the boundary between air masses? Cold Front Warm Front _ What is the shape? What type of clouds? What type of precipitation?