Taraxacum Anne Jon Schoonhoven Magdalena Jurić Final Prototype
Make sharing of learning materials easy –Teachers can view, add, remove and edit shared resources E-learning environment –Students can view, browse and comment/discuss resources shared with them Project Recap
Today’s Hats CustomerProject ManagerSystem Architect
Today’s Outline Project Metrics Project Experiences –Communication –Work Deviation –Project Result
Project Metrics Deliverables –On time and fulfilled Features –Implemented 66 out of 72 Dropped 2 customer requirements Dropped 4 additional requirements
Project Metrics Communication –Weekly Team meetings –Daily IM / Skype –Documentation –Redmine (project management software)
Project Metrics Spend Hours - Ratio
Project Metrics Spend Hours – Time Line
Project Metrics
Project Taraxacum 1.Fresh Start –Focus on Process 2.Productive –Focus on Development 3.Challenging –Focus into Oblivion
Project Taraxacum 3 rd Iteration went worser than planned. –Blame the Project Manager Other suspects –Communication –Holidays
Communication Distance of Communication –Culture –Medium (F2F, Skype, Mail, IM, Redmine, SVN)
Case “ Create an simple WYSIWYG editor for the plaintext resource. As an attachment you will find a custom version of TinyMCE editor [..] “
Cultural Differences Type of CommunicationMostly Digital Towards Shallow (!) Notion Of Time“Finish by Sunday” Type of ThinkingTask Minded & Goal Minded
Product Status Shift of context use –Hierarchical –Community Product is “in between”
Initial Requirements Teacher –Browse –Manage courses and topics –Share resources –Create exercises –Search Student –Browse shared materials –Take and print notes –Share flashcards –Practice exercises and get results –Ask questions –Signal errors –Search
Design decisions Domain Driven Development Separation of concerns Layered architecture (MVC) Good it was easier to extend system independent development of layers Bad initially time consuming
Solution structure
Backend design Data access layer –Repository –Unit of Work –EF mapping to DB Model layer –POCO classes Service layer –Implements functionalities –Hides details
Backend design - Model
219/17/2015 Frontend design Controller –Using service functions –Data provider for views View –Razor views (HTML + CS code) –Used to preview pages
229/17/2015 Integration with other tools TinyMCE –Javascript WYSIWYG text editor Disqus –Comments community platform
System Demo –Registration of new user –Create Course –Create Exercise –Perform Exercise –Kudo Course –Comment –Perform Search
System Demo 1.amazonaws.com/
System Demo Plan B – Video
System Demo Plan C – Screenshots
What’s Next? Strengths Well documented Flexible in features Weaknesses Red Code Performance Opportunities Niche Market Threads Not the only player on the market
Conclusion Requirements Struggling Level of Knowledge Different Effort Consuming
Discussion Target minded or Process minded –Running Late –Efficiency Task explanation vs execution
Discussion What was the biggest gap in the project? –Knowledge –Distance –Culture