Vocabulary 3
application a formal request for something →His application to the court for bail has been refused. current of the present time or most recent →Under current state law, students can drop out of school legally at age 17. property a thing or things owned by someone/ a possession or possessions →The books are the property of the public library.
material a type of physical thing, such as wood, stone, or plastic, having qualities that allow it to be used to make other things →The sculpture was made of various materials. consumer someone who buys goods or services for personal use →American consumers are becoming informed about the safety of products made for children. raise to cause something to be lifted up or become higher →He raised the window shades.
indicate to show or signal a direction or warning →These statistics might indicate quality problems. permit to allow something, or make something possible →Playing loud music is not permitted after 10 pm. rent an amount of money that you regularly pay so that you can use a house →The landlord has put the rent up again.
shipment goods transported together →A shipment of vegetables arrived last week. distribute to give things to a large number of people →The money was distributed among schools in the area. cover to put or spread something over something →She covered the child with a blanket.
stock a supply of something for use or sale →New regulations should preserve stocks of haddock and other fish. feature a noticeable or important characteristic or part →This car has excellent safety features. regulation an official rule made by a government or some other authority →Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.
exhibit to show something in public for competition, sale, or amusement →The gallery is exhibiting his paintings and watercolors. estimate a judgment or calculation of approximately how large or how great something is →I can only make a rough estimate of how many people will attend. quarter one of four equal or almost equal parts of something →My house is one and three-quarter miles from here.
medical of or relating to medicine, or for the treatment of disease or injury →She is in her final year of medical school. necessary needed in order to achieve a particular result →Don’t take any more luggage than is strictly necessary. encourage to give somebody support, courage or hope →My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career.
location a particular place or position →The map showed the location of an old mine. resume a written statement of your educational and work experience →He looked at her résumé, asked her a few questions, and then offered her the job. traffic the movement of ships, trains, aircraft, etc. along a particular route →Air traffic has increased 30% in the last decade.
responsible having the duty of taking care of something →The manager is responsible for maintaining safety standards. invoice a list of goods that have been sold →You need to have a copy of your original invoice if you want a refund. standard usual or expected →This is a standard medical text.
communication the process by which messages or information is sent from one place or person to another, or the message itself → is an increasingly important means of business communication. effect the result of a particular influence →The medicine had the effect of making me sleepy. develop to grow or cause to grow or change into a more advanced form →The tourist industry is continuing to develop in the lake region.
legal connected with or allowed by the law →The company will contact their attorneys to take further legal action. confirm to make an arrangement →The hotel has confirmed our reservation. during from the beginning to the end of →They work during the night and sleep by day.
extend to reach, continue, or stretch →Farmland extends for miles in every direction. reduce to make something less in size, amount, degree, importance, or price →All electronic equipment in the store has been reduced. individual a single person or thing →We will remember him as an individual who always tried to make people happy.
limit the greatest amount, number, or level allowed or possible →Two cups of coffee are my limit. condition the particular state that something or someone is in →She was hospitalized in fair condition after the accident. appreciate to be grateful for something that somebody has done →I would appreciate any comments you might have.
deposit a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment →We've put down a 5% deposit on the house. additional more than was first mentioned or is usual →The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service. revise to change or correct something →With the final exam, you don’t revise it after the teacher reads it.
assistant a person who helps or supports somebody, usually in their job →My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. notify to tell someone officially about something →Contest winners will be notified by postcard. regard to consider or think about something in a particular way →Laura is highly regarded by her colleagues.
select to choose something, or to make a choice →They have the option of selecting the school that they want their kids to go to. identification the ability to name or recognize someone or something →Identification of the victims of the plane crash still is not complete.