Council of Graduate Schools The Ph.D. Completion Project: Phase II Technical Workshop Daniel Denecke, Helen Frasier, and Kenneth Redd December 9, 2006 Washington, DC
Pre-Meeting Workshop Goals Provide project overview and a set of tools and templates for collecting and interpreting completion and attrition data Hear from Phase I Project Research Partners Provide information about the new Phase II RFP to ensure a pool of highly competitive proposals
Supported by Pfizer & Ford Foundation 45 Universities Submitted Proposals 21 Research Partners w/ awards up to $100k Three-Year Grants for: Data Collection and Submission Interventions Design and Implementation Assessment of Impact and Best Practice Idea Exchange 24 Project Partners 1/3 of Project Partners are collecting and submitting quantitative data Ph.D. Completion Project (Phase I)
Project Activities Data Collection, Submission, and Analysis Completion Data, Demographic Data, Attrition Data Exit Surveys Factor Assessments Program-level and University-wide Interventions or Treatments Evaluation/Assessment Campus and National Leadership
Areas of Strategic Intervention
Completion Management Graduate dean as: Protector of Student Interests Champion of Quality Across Programs Steward of Financial Resources Graduate schools can and should: Collect Data > Share Data > Determine Appropriate Solutions to Specific Problems > Reward and Monitor Changes
Meeting External Demands and Internal (University) Objectives Spellings Commission Student Right-to-Know Act The NRC Doctoral Assessment Domestic Recruiting International Competition
Lessons Learned from the PhD Completion Project Knowing data and feedback to departments is a powerful intervention Graduate deans and faculty must work together in interpreting data and setting goals Knowing and sharing data is not enough Graduate deans and faculty must work together in designing activities and interventions Data have multiple policy implications
Peeling the Onion: National Data and Demographic Differences Completion Overall Broad field Disciplines Attrition Gender Race/Ethnicity Citizenship