Ecosytem goods and services of extensive fishponds Éva Kerepeczki
Objectives The original presentiation was gives for aquaculture producers, lecturers and students to introduce the definition „ecosystem goods and services” To initiate joint thinking on survey and maintanance of EGS of extensive fishponds
Nature: the whole biosphere Ecosystem: (biogeocenosis) the together living communities with their physical environment Environment: the complexity of physical and biological factors affecting people
Framework of integrated assessment and valuation of ecosystem fuctions, goods and services (de Groot et al, 2002)
Regulation essential ecological processes and life support system FunctionsEcosystem processes and components Goods and services Gas regulationRole of ecosystem in bio- geochemical cycles (CO2/O2 balance, ozon layer) Maintenance of air quality Climate regulationInfluence of land cover and biol. Mediated processes on climate Microclimate Water supplyFiltering retention and storage of fresh water Provision of water for consumptive use (irrigation, industry)
Regulation essential ecological processes and life support system FunctionsEcosystem processes and components Goods and services Nutrient regulationStorage and recycling of nutrients Maintenance of healthy sediment and productive pond ecosystems Waste treatmentRemoval and breakdown of xenic nutrients and compounds Microclimate Water supplyFiltering retention and storage of fresh water Provision of water for consumptive use (irrigation, industry)
Regulation essential ecological processes and life support system FunctionsEcosystem processes and components Goods and services Nutrient regulationStorage and recycling of nutrients Maintenance of healthy sediment and productive pond ecosystems Waste treatmentRemoval and breakdown of xenic nutrients and compounds Sedimentation of pollutants, decomposition and uptake (53% of TN, 74% of TP was retained in ex. fishponds) Water quality improvement Biological controlPopulation control through trophic-dynamic interactions Control of parasites
Habitat refuge and reproduction habitat of wild species (conversation of biodiversity) FunctionsEcosystem processes and components Goods and services RefugiumSuitable living space for wild species Maintenance of biodiversity Maintenance of stocked fish Nursery functionSuitable reproduction habitat Hunting, gathering of fish, game, fruits
Production functions provision of natural resources FunctionsEcosystem processes and components Goods and services FoodConversion of solar energy into edible plants and animals Small-scale subsistens farming and aquaculture Row materialsBiomass for human construction and other uses Building and manufacturing (reed, wood) Bioenergy Biopolymers
Production function FunctionsEcosystem processes and components Goods and services Genetic resourcesGenetic material and evolutions in wild plants and animals Improve resistance and production possibilities Medical resourcesVariety in biochemical subtances and other medicinal uses of natural biota Drogs and pharmaceuticals Test organisms Functional healthy food Ornamental recourcesVariety of biota with ornamental use Ornamental fish, decoration etc.
Information function (maintenance of human health through cognitive development, spiritual enrichment, recreation) FunctionsEcosystem processes and components Goods and services Aesthetic informationAttractive landscape features Enjoyment of scenery RecreationVariety of landscape with recreational use Ecotourism, outdoor sport, hunting, angling Cultural and artistic information Natural features with cultural and artistic value Use of fish and pond motive in books, films, paintings, folklore, etc. Science and educationVariety in nature with scientific and educational value Object of scientific research, education Spiritual and historic information Variety of nat. features with spiritual and historic value Heritage value of pond- type ecosystem, fisheries tradition
Valuation of ecosystem goods and services Identification, desciption Indicator selection Assessment Valorisation € Elaboration of technology for maintenance of EGS