THEME: Neighborhoods & Communities English Language Art Treasures Unit 2 Week 2 – Home-Grown Butterflies Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3
Strong Paragraphs: Describing an Action Showing is a writer’s ability to use precise observations, descriptive details, and expressive language to communicate emotion, evoke images, and present evidence. Showing is describing so that the readers know and understand, without you having to tell them what is going on. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details.
Writing Skill: Showing “Don’t tell me what happened, show me what happened.” Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.2.2 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details.
Strong Paragraphs: Describing an Action Today, volunteers will act out an action. Observe carefully so that you can describe the action in detail. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details. Write 3-5 sentences about what the volunteer just did. Use as much detail as possible to describe the actions.
Strong Paragraphs: Describing an Action Here is an example of what your writing might look like. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details. November 16, 2011 Sarai clapped her hands excitedly. She jumped up and down. Then, she…
Strong Paragraphs: Describing an Action C onversation – No. Please write quietly. H elp – Raise your hand if you are stuck or you need help. A ctivity – Write 3-5 sentences about what the volunteer just did. Use as much detail as possible to describe the actions. M ovement – Stay in your seat. P articipation – I know you are on-task if I see you writing quietly. When you are done, go back and proofread using your proofreading marks. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details.
Daily Language Activities 1.Do bunnys have clawes 2.Read these bookes about rabbits? 3.I saw two wolf cubs near the Creak. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC3.1.1 Use complete declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns Singular nouns Names one person, place, or thing. Can be compound words. Plural nouns Names more than one person, place, or thing. Add –s to form the plural of most singular nouns. Add –es if the singular nouns ends in s, ch, sh, or x Can be compound words. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC3.1.3 Understand and use complete declarative, interogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
Grammar: Punctuate Sentences Statements and commands end with a period. (declarative) Questions end with a question mark. (interrogative) Exclamations end with an exclamation point. (exclamatory) Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC3.1.3 Understand and use complete declarative, interogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
Home-Grown Butterflies Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Oral Language R3.3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature. Focus Question: Read “Save Our Butterflies.” How is this selection similar to Home-Grown Butterflies? How are the two selections different?
Word Squares The wordYour own definitions of the world and any related words, synonyms, words with the same base word Simple illustrationNonexamples and antonyms Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings.
Word Squares disappearVanish Fade invisible Appear Come out reappear Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings.
Related Words Keep safehurt Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study R3.1.4 Use antonyms and synonyms to determine the meanings of words. Protect Let’s add to our Personal Thesaurus!
Spelling Word: Categories Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study LC Spell correctly one-syllable words. Hit, tap, _______ Twist, squeeze, ______ Arms, hands, _______ Hero, soldier, _______ Bug, fly, __________ What other categories can you come up with for your Spelling Words?
Critical Thinking: Home- Grown Butterflies Summarize Home-Grown Butterflies. Use your Conclusion Map to help you. Explain how children were able to help their community by growing butterflies. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Oral Language R3.3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature. Think-Pair-Share
Critical Thinking, pg 205 Work in your groups to answer these questions. Be ready to share your answer with the class. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Reading RC2.0 Reading Comprehension.
Rotation/Independent Workshop Time (IWT) Students will work independently. By yourself With a partner In a group Or with the teacher. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 2 IWT RC1.0 Reading Comprehension
Rotation/Independent Workshop Time (IWT) Green Go Time DO NOT DISTURB THE TEACHER. When you are done, read a book from inside your desk. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 2 IWT RC1.0 Reading Comprehension
Rotation/Independent Workshop Time (IWT) MUST DO Practice Book, pages 88, 82, 91, 93, and finish pages 83, 84, 89 Fluency, Practice Book, page 86 (3 times, pacing) Reader’s Theater: Practice with your team. Word Squares, using your lesson vocabulary words. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 2 IWT RC1.0 Reading Comprehension