The Nazis in Power: Life of Minority Groups and the Jews Source questions
Study Source A What is the message of this source? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7]
An illustration from a school book published in Nazi Germany SOURCE B SOURCE C An illustration from a school book published in Nazi Germany A poster called ‘The Eternal Jew’ published in Nazi Germany in 1937 (b) Study Sources B and C How similar are these two sources? Use the sources and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7]
Study Source A Why was this cartoon published in the 1930s? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [6]
SOURCE D (c) Study Source D An illustration from a book for children published during the Nazi period. It shows a German Jew and a German girl. (c) Study Source D Why was this illustration published? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [6]
A drawing from a children’s book published in Nazi Germany SOURCE B A drawing from a children’s book published in Nazi Germany (b) Study Source B Why do you think this drawing was published in a children’s book? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7]
SOURCE C (c) Study Source C A poster from 1937 advertising a film called ‘The Eternal Jew’’. The Jew shown has a map of Germany under his arm. (c) Study Source C How far does this poster explain why the Nazis were anti-Jewish? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7]