What is Circular Economy? 1 An interlinked manufacturing and service sector of business 2 Seek the enhancement of both economy and environment 3 Collaborating in the management of environmental and resource issues. What is Circular Economy?
production consumption Resource Energy (Recycle) Waste Circular Economy
Exchange of materials where one facility's waste, including energy, water, materials as well as information is another's input. What is Circular Economy?
Circular Economy: A Powerful Concept
“the reducing, reusing and recycling activities conducted in the process of production, circulation and consumption” ( From Circular Economy Law of the People’s Republic of China ) Circular Economy: A Powerful Concept
1 An innovative mode of development 2 Resolves the conflict between economic growth and environment protection Circular Economy: A Powerful Concept
3 Aims at Pollution Prevention, Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development 4 Particularly Meaningful for Developing Countries Circular Economy: A Powerful Concept
Circular Economy: A Sector of Relevance and Significance for Cooperatives
An important economic instrument for the state 2 An increasingly profitable industry 3 Exceptional opportunities for Cooperatives 1 Circular Economy: A Sector of Relevance and Significance for Cooperatives
Circular economy business reflects cooperative values and principles. 2 Cooperatives’ unparalleled advantages in developing circular economy. 3 Circular economy enhances employment and increases family income. 1 Circular Economy: A Sector of Relevance and Significance for Cooperatives
Circular Economy Business Reflects Cooperative Values and Principles
Concern for Community ----The seventh principle of cooperatives “Cooperatives should work for the sustainable development of the community…” Circular Economy Business Reflects Cooperative Values and Principles
Circular Economy Environmental Protection Pollution Prevention Sustainable Development Circular economy business is among the best ways to realize objectives of cooperatives. Circular Economy Business Reflects Cooperative Values and Principles
Advantages of Cooperatives in Developing Circular Economy The network of renewable resources collection could be integrated with the existing circulation system by little extra investment. 1 Extensive Business Network The large number of cooperative members could be mobilized as the collectors of renewable resources 2 Enormous Member Bases
Significance of Circular Economy for Cooperatives Development of recycling industry would create job opportunities, as a number of professional technicians would be demanded. 1 Enhance Community Employment For a number of economically disadvantaged member families, the opportunities to collect deserted cans and bottles and sell them to cooperatives often means an important source of income. 2 Increase members’ family income
Improve the welfare of farmers Promote agricultural and rural economy All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives is the national apex body of supply and marketing cooperatives based on the principles of democracy, equality, and mutual benefits. ACFSMC & Circular Economy
343 prefecture federations 31 provincial federations 1 apex body 2369 county federations primary cooperatives By the end of 2011, the whole system has 760,000 business service outlets, covering two thirds of villages nationwide, and over 2 million working employees. In 2011, the whole system reached billion Yuan (or 316 billion USD) of sale value and over 20 billion Yuan (or 3.1 billion USD) of profit, a new historical record. ACFSMC & Circular Economy
“New Countryside Modern Circulation Service Network Project“ Four networks agricultural material operation and service network Consumer goods operation network Agricultural byproduct purchase and marketing network Renewable resource recollection and reuse network ACFSMC & Circular Economy
Year Value 92.5billion 132.2billion 73billion 114.7billion Sold Collected In 2011, the whole supply and marketing cooperative system collected billions Yuan (or 17.8 billion USD) of renewable resources, and sold billion Yuan (or 20.7 billion USD) of recycled products, an rise of 57% and 43% from 2010 respectively,. ACFSMC & Circular Economy
China Recycling Development Co., Ltd, The leading Chinese corporation in circular economy business. ACFSMC & Circular Economy
ICA/China Training Courses on “Operation and Management of Circular Economy Projects” ACFSMC & Circular Economy
ICA/China Training Courses on “Operation and Management of Circular Economy Projects” Visit to the most advanced circular economy park in China ACFSMC & Circular Economy
Policy Proposals Urge cooperatives in Asia and Pacific to recognize the significance of circular economy. 1 Call on governments of Asia and Pacific countries to recognize cooperatives as a unique instrument in promoting circular economy and grant supportive policies. 2
The Circular Economy Law of the People’s Republic of China was enacted in August A positive political & legislative environment 2 An appropriate tax policy & necessary monetary assistance 3 Technical & technology support Policy Proposals