Resolution issues and DOI doi>. POLICIES Any form of identifier NUMBERING DESCRIPTION framework: DOI can describe any form of intellectual property, at.


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Presentation transcript:

Resolution issues and DOI doi>

POLICIES Any form of identifier NUMBERING DESCRIPTION framework: DOI can describe any form of intellectual property, at any level of granularity ACTION Handle resolution allows a DOI to link to any and multiple pieces of current data doi> extensible

Global Handle System Web Browser Local Client DOI? URL abc abc.doc Handle resolution

Client GHSLHS Handle system: a collection of Handle services HS1 each of which consists of one or more Handle servers HS2 HS3 HS4 each of which may be replicated loc.ndlp/amrlp URL Handle record Handle query

Handle CNRI ( open standard Proven Scalable: # steps to get to any one Handle is independent of number of Handles in existence A layer: DOI Handle TCP/IP Physical net http, other protocols Other HDL apps TCP/IP Physical net

3 DOI Handle dataDOIData type Index /456 URL 3 URL URL MD EM 9 9 IP /789 4 Handles (DOIs) resolve to Typed Data HandleHandle data

3 DOIData type Index /456 URL 3 URL URL MD EM 9 9 IP /789 4 DOIs resolve to Typed Data Multiple typed values per DOI

3 Handle dataDOIData type Index /456 URL 3 URL URL MD EM 9 9 IP /789 4 DOIs resolve to Typed Data Extensible typing

3 Handle dataDOIData type Index /456 URL 3 URL URL MD EM 9 9 IP /789 4 DOIs resolve to Typed Data Query by type

There are two types of Handle query 1. Request all data 2. Request all data of a given type (Because Handle is a lightweight efficient protocol)

There are two types of Handle query 1. Request all data Handle System Give me all data associated with /123 Handle Client /123URL1(Server in US) URL2 (Server in Asia) URL3 (Server in Europe) public key address rights data URL PK EM IP IndexTypeDataHandle

/123URL1(Server in US) URL2 (Server in Asia) URL3 (Server in Europe) URL IndexTypeDataHandle Give me all data of type URL associated with /123 Handle Client 2. Request all data of a given type Handle System In each type of query, the client could then do something else with the data it gets back. There are two types of Handle query

Some Other Process (1) Handle System (2) / URL1(Server in US) URL2 (Server in Asia) URL3 (Server in Europe) public key address rights data URL PK EM IP Some other handle aware process uses a DOI to contact the Handle System and request all URLs associated with that DOI... doi: / Internet Future resolution (1)

URL1 (Server in US) URL2 (Server in Asia) URL3 (Server in Europe) Handle System (3) / URL... and then ranks those URLs based on performance or best location... Some Other Process Future resolution (1)

URL2 (Server in Asia)... chooses the best one, and resolves it. (4) URL2 (Server in Asia) Some Other Process Future resolution (1)

A process might use an address, rights data, or any other current state data. Handle System (2) (3) /46578 URL1(US) URL2 (Asia) URL3 (Europe) public key address rights data URL PK EM IP doi: /46578 (1) (4) rights data Some Other Process Interoperable metadata! Future resolution (1)

(1) XML file with embedded DOI User clicks on a DOI embedded in an XML document. Future Application with native understanding of handles and XML doi: /5467 Future resolution (2)

The application connects to the Handle System... Future Application with native understanding of handles and XML Handle System (2) /5467http:// URL IP EM MD Future resolution (2)

... and retrieves DOI data. Future Application with native understanding of handles and XML (3) /5467http:// URL IP EM MD Future resolution (2) Handle System

Application analyzes the data associated with that DOI. Future Application with native understanding of handles and XML URL IP EM MD Interoperable metadata! Future resolution (2)

and dynamically displays for the user a list of options based on the data in the DOI System. Future Application with native understanding of handles and XML (5) XML file with embedded DOI 1. Retrieve document 2. Explain rights 3. query 4. Show metadata Future resolution (2) Mouseover?

User clicks on which path to follow. Future Application with native understanding of handles and XML (6) XML file with embedded DOI metadata record 1. Retrieve document 2. Explain rights 3. query 4. Show metadata Future resolution (2)

Weve published some analysis: –One to many Were working on implementations (MD type) Weve been doing some experiments: –CNRI + IDEAL + CrossRef + DLF + SFX Framework From theory to practice

I have found what I want to link to, but: –I have a copy locally; or –I use an aggregator; or –The publisher provides alternative sources; (etc.) so I want to go to the appropriate copy –rights issues (access control) are implicit wider issue is context (contextualisation) –other reasons (paper copies, other services, etc.) Example issue: getting the appropriate copy

appropriate full text appropriate abstract

/ /123 pg1.html Article with CrossRef Link Client XYZ University Local copy DOI as used by CrossRef Handle System proxy

/123?cookie Redirect to local SFX Server Handle System Understands SFX Cookies CrossRef Metadata? Metadata localCopy.html Article with CrossRef Link Client Local SFX Server XYZ University First experiment (CrossRef) hardcoded

/123?cookie Redirect to local SFX Server Metadata location? Handle System Understands SFX Cookies Metadata Collection Service XYZ University Client Article with CrossRef Link Local SFX Server localCopy.html Metadata? Metadata Second experiment (CrossRef) Metadata indirection Data type in HDL

instructions to client when it gets a DOI (so that it can then do something else…): on interacting with whole handle –e.g. type=PK; query=Authoritative on actions to take with a returned value –e.g. URL?source=JournalABC on actions to take with a returned object –loc=chap23 syntax under discussion Parameters

extensible framework can cope with anything we want it to do –spreadsheet analogy requires logical framework for identification, metadata (indecs) requires prototypes, –DOI-X, DOI-EB, DOI-R, etc requires software developers to adopt –Microsoft E-Book reader, etc requires thinking (business requirements) ! So: