EQ: How was China affected by European contact? Key Terms: Kowtowing, Anglo-Chinese War, Treaty of Nanking, extraterritoriality, Taiping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion, Open Door Policy
China’s View of Foreigners Manchus (aka the Qing dynasty) restricted European contact b/c they did not like their foreign culture, esp. Christianity Europeans allowed to trade only under government supervision ◦ Chinese thought European goods were inferior ◦ would only accept gold for trade
Foreigners were allowed in only three ports in China, & then only after offering gifts and kowtowing— kneeling before the emperor and bowing low 9 times with head to ground
Britain opens trade in China find a product that Chinese are willing to trade... ◦ opium highly addictive, used as painkiller Manchu govt. restricted amount that could be sold, but British start bribing officials to smuggle in large amounts
Anglo-Chinese Wars, AKA The Opium Wars Started when Manchu govt. seized 400 chests of opium, worth millions of dollars, dumped them into harbor Britain declared war on China British win b/c advanced weaponry, esp. navy
Treaty of Nanking (aka the Unequal Treaty) 1. China forced to buy 30,000 chests opium/yr (# increased to 100,000); prices ↓ and consumption ↑ 2. China had to pay $21 million in reparations 3. China had to open more ports for trade 4. Britain gained extraterritoriality—a country’s laws apply in a foreign land (British laws in China) 5. Britain forced 5% tax on goods imported from another country, forcing China to trade more w/ Britain
Reaction to Foreign Invasion Once Britain opened up trade in China and became more dominate, other European countries followed Rebellions broke out in response to European invasion
Taiping Rebellion Led by Hung Hsui Chuan, a Christian convert Chuan’s followers called Taiping, started reform movement, with the goals to: ◦ eliminate footbinding, opium sale, outlaw prostitution, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and redistribute land to peasants
The Taiping set up a rival govt. Civil war broke out, , during which fifty million died Manchus got help from the British, since the government was against land redistribution British agreed to help b/c if Taiping won, they would lose lucrative opium trade
Boxer Rebellion, Righteous Fists of Harmony—secret society with goal to expel “foreign devils” from China AKA Boxers b/c ritual dance looked like shadow boxing Rebelled, attacking missionaries in countryside, then began attacking larger cities Manchu govt. did not stop them, wanted them to succeed in driving out Europeans
“The Boxers and Their Mission” wVideo.aspx?xtid=42712# wVideo.aspx?xtid=42712#
European countries sent in troops, stopped the rebellion and divided up capital, occupying certain areas Boxers were arrested and executed
China was about to be broken up & colonized by Europe Open Door Policy kept China from being taken over ◦ any nation was free to trade at any Chinese port