1 Daily Salah and understanding Qur’an –Out of the 24 hours in a normal day, the most precious moments for a Muslim is when he stands in front of Allah for Salah. –Before, after, and during the Salah, I do ask Allah a long list of things and He out of His mercy grants them too. –But how ungrateful I am that when He tells me something through the Imam during the Salah, I stand there as a deaf guy! –How obstinate I am that even with years passing by, I don’t try to learn Arabic!
2 Daily Salah … 2 –Whatever I am made to listen in these Salahs is written in my fate and is the message by Allah for me for TODAY at that time in that Salah. –Nothing happens in this world by chance. It is not that Imam remembered some Surah and he recited it.
3 Daily Salah … 3 –Allah wants us to start everyday under Qur’anic light (with 2 lectures in 2 Raka’ahs of Fajr) –Allah wants us to end the day also in Qur’anic light with 4 lectures; 2 in Maghrib and 2 more in Isha within 2 hours! Perhaps because man is more prone to Satanic temptations in the night (Allah knows best).
4 Daily Salah … 4 I emphasize these 3 Salah because in these Salah, Imam may recite from any part of the Qur’an (and he should try to recite from different parts of the Qur’an). Consequently, if I do not understand complete Qur’an, I may miss the message in any of these Salahs; simply because Imam may recite from any part of the Qur’an. I can not read translation in Salah. Most importantly, I won’t know which part of Qur’an the Imam will recite. So, for all practical purposes, relying on translations for this purpose does not work.
5 Daily Salah … 5 –The right attitude in each one of these 3 Salahs is that I should stand with full attention and wait for instructions from Allah. I should try to pick up each and every word of Allah. –And if I fail to understand, I should ask forgiveness from Allah and re-commit myself to understanding the Qur’an. –Each Salah is a continuous reminder for me to understand Qur’an IN TOTAL and not just a part of it.
6 Daily Salah … 6 –If I don’t understand Qur’an, then everyday I loose the message given to me in 6 lectures (two each in Fajr, Maghrib, and in Isha). –That too, at a time when I am in the best of worshipping mode to Allah (out of the 24 hours). –Every year, I miss the message given to me in 2000 Rakahs (plus 240 or 600 rakahs of Taraweeh). –It is equivalent to 5 EQUIVALENT rounds of Qur’an per year (2 rounds in 3 Salahs of the whole year + 1 in Taraweeh + Self recitation of at least one round per year)
7 Daily Salah … 7 –It is true for other Salahs TOO. Whether we recite it or the Imam recites it, every part should be understood. –It is true of our personal recitation of the Qur’an outside Salah too. –Allah wants us to concentrate on certain ayahs (ponder on small pieces of Qur’an) in these Salah and to have a global view (ponder on bigger sections of Qur’an) in Taraweeh. –If we don’t understand Qur’an, a tremendous opportunity to build the relationship with Allah is lost. How tragic and tremendous loss it is!!!
8 Daily Salah … 8 –If we don’t understand Qur’an, a tremendous opportunity to build the relationship with Allah is lost. How tragic and tremendous loss it is!!! –Therefore, understanding Qur’an is not just related to time duration when one recites the Qur’an at certain time of a day. It is, in fact, related to every Salah everyday!!! –Does that not motivate us to work quicker and faster (almost daily) on understand Qur’an?