1 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines USES AND APPLICATIONS OF ENERGY STATISTICS: Measuring the Contribution of Electricity, Gas and Water - The Case of the Philippines - by VIVIAN R. ILARINA National Statistical Coordination Board Philippines International Workshop on Energy Statistics Beijing China, September 2012
2 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines I.The System of National Accounts (SNA) II.Measuring the contribution of Electricity, Gas and Water in the economy Scope and Coverage Data and Data Sources Estimation Methodology Outline of the Presentation
3 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines I.The System of National Accounts -consists of a coherent, consistent and integrated set of macroeconomic accounts, balance sheets and tables based on a set of internationally agreed concepts, definitions, classifications and accounting rules; - use for monitoring the behavior of the economy, for macro-economic analysis, for economic policy formulation and decision making; as well as for international comparison.
4 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines I.The System of National Accounts -basically, the SNA records all economic transactions, the flows and stocks in the country including its relationships with the rest of the world (ROW) - The SNA generates macro-economic aggregates namely: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT GROSS NATIONAL INCOME
5 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines In the SNA, transactors are economic units are grouped into producing industry/sector namely: INDUSTRY – Agriculture, Industries, Services SECTOR Financial Corporations Non-financial Corporations General Government Households including the Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households National Statistical Coordination Board I.The System of National Accounts
6 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water SCOPE and COVERAGE Electricity, Gas and Water as an Industry Electricity - generation, transmission and distribution of electricity for sale to households, industrial, commercial and other users. Gas - manufacture and distribution of gaseous fuels through a system of mains to households, industrial, commercial and other users. Water - collection, purification and distribution of water to household, industrial, commercial or other users. Note: Scope and Coverage are based from the Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) following the ISIC
7 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water SCOPE and COVERAGE Excluded are: - Operation of irrigation works in agriculture. - Electricity generation by manufacturing, mining and other industries for own use Note: Scope and Coverage are based from the Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) following the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC)
8 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines Electricity A.National Power Corporation - Financial Statements - Electricity produced and sold (peso&kwh) - Other key performance indicators B.Manila Electric Company and National Electrification Administration - Financial Statements - Electricity purchased and sold (peso&kwh) - Other key performance indicators II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water DATA AND DATA SOURCES
9 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines Electricity C.Energy Regulatory Commission - Effective Selling Rates D. National Statistics Office - Quarterly and Annual Survey and Census on Philippine Business and Industry Gross revenue Employment Compensation Other key performance indicators II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water
10 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines Water Manila Water Corporation, Inc. Maynilad Water System, Inc. Local Water Utilities Administration National Water Regulatory Board Financial Statements Water production and sales statisticS Effective selling rates Other key performance indicators II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water
11 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines a.Gross Output (GO) Revenue from main activity Changes in Inventory of finish products and work in progress Industrial and non-industrial services done for others Trade margin Changes in inventory of goods for resale Other revenue Fixed assets produced on own account ESTIMATION METHODOLOGY II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water Benchmark Estimation
12 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines b.Intermediate Consumption (IC) Materials and supplies purchased Fuels purchased Supplies and fuels used Electricity purchased Industrial and non-industrial services done by others Other costs ESTIMATION METHODOLOGY II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water
13 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines c.Gross Value Added (GVA cur ) at current prices Compensation Consumption of Fixed Capital Taxes on Products and Imports Operating surplus d. Gross Value Added Ratio (GVAR) GVAR = GVA cur / GO ESTIMATION METHODOLOGY II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water
14 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines e. Gross Value Added (GVA con ) at constant prices GVA cons = GVA cur / Price Index where: Price Index = Constructed composite input price indices based on the prices of the major inputs (oil, fuel, diesel, electricity, machines and machine parts) ESTIMATION METHODOLOGY II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water
15 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines B. Quarterly Estimation a. Gross Value Added (GVA cur ) at current prices GVA1 cur = (GO 1 / GO o ) x GVAo cur where: GVA1 cur = present GVA GVAo cur = previous GVA (the same quarter of the previous year) GO 1 = present GO Go o = previous GO (the same quarter of the previous year ) II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water
16 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines b. Gross Value Added (GVA con ) at constant prices GVA1 con = GVA cur / WESR where: GVA1 con = present GVA GVA cur = present GVA at current prices WESR= weighted effective selling rates II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water B. Quarterly Estimation
17 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines a. Implicit Price Index (IPIN) IPIN = (GVA cur /GVA con ) x 100 b. Inflation =growth of the IPIN from the same period of the previous year D. Price Indices C. Annual Estimation Gross Value Added at current and at constant prices GVA = ∑ (quarterly GVA estimates) II. Measuring the Electricity, Gas and Water
18 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COORDINATION BOARD International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, China, September 2012 Vivian R. Ilarina, Philippines Thank you very much ! URL: