Case Histories John W. Martyny, Ph.D., CIH Tri-County Health Department
Case History #1
Building Characteristics u Community college occupied in October, u 1 Building with 3 floors and about 1,000,000 sq.ft. u Has had IAQ complaints since it was occupied. v Odors, stuffiness, upper respiratory complaints. v Complaints have increased as of late.
u Complaints are primarily from staff. u Building has the following areas: v Registration area v Teaching areas v Automotive and diesel repair areas v Veterinary Technician area v Print shop area v Chemistry laboratories v Farm equipment repair area u Building layout is a 3 story main building with three 1 story wings.
See large drawing
What steps would you initially take?
Ventilation System Evaluation u Visual Inspection v Cleanliness v Filter Replacement v Moisture v Damper Functioning
Ventilation Evaluation Results u Generally good condition v Clean v Good filters (return and outside) v Fiberglass lining in good condition u Moisture Problems v Moisture in drain pans v Biocide use
What are your conclusions?
Carbon Dioxide Sampling u Actually a tracer gas method. u Acceptable levels depend upon: v population density v Outside levels v Contamination (CO) u Generally accepted levels v 1000 ppm v 800 ppm
Carbon Dioxide Results u Ranged from 340 ppm to 637 ppm in all areas tested. u Outside levels were approximately 300 ppm.
Is there a problem?
Complaints u Distributed to all staff in the staff room. v Take home questionnaire v 90% return rate u Concerns: v Congestion and stuffiness - 37% v Too hot or cold - 35% v Dryness - 44% v Eye irritation - 30% v Headache - 24%
Comparison Complaint Levels NIOSHHEDGESchool Headache25%44%24% Congest.22%45%37% EyeIrrit.33%42%30% Fatigue26%46%28%
Is there a problem? Would you conduct sampling?
Tests Conducted at Building u Tracer Gas Testing u Bioaerosol Testing u Particulate Sampling u Comfort Factors
Bioaerosol Results u Outside Levels v CFU/m3 v Mostly Cladosporium u Inside Levels v ND - 59 CFU/m3 v Mostly Cladosporium v Some Penicillium but low.
Particulate Levels u Standards v None u Measurements v Outside vs. inside v Particle size - PM 2.5 and PM 10 u Meaning of elevated levels v Poor filtration v Bioaerosols v Particulate Source
Particulate Results u Highest levels in Rm 159 v PM 2.5 = 9ug/m3 v PM 10 = 14 ug/m3 u Other Areas v PM 2.5 = ug/m3 v PM 10 = ug/m3 u Meaning v Activity and Processes
Temperature and Relative Humidity u Comfort Levels v Stale air v Poor air movement v Humidity and microbes
Temperature and Humidity Results u Temperatures ranged from a mean of 70 degrees to a mean of 76 degrees. v Highest levels ranged from 70 to 78 v Highest levels in 214 and 159 v Chiller operation a problem u Humidity levels ranged from 47% to 79%. v High humidity can cause microbial problems and comfort problems.
Tracer Gas Sampling u Uses of Tracer gas v Decay Studies v Migration Studies u Methodology v Sulfur hexafluoride v Injection v Results
Tracer Gas Results u Rm. 159 air exchange rates. v 0.76 to 1.1 ACH v Lowest in morning u Other Areas v 1.27 to 1.9 ACH u Standards v ASHRAE cfm/person v Actual unknown
Tracer Gas Results u Migration Studies v vet area studies v print shop areas v diesel areas
Conclusions u Need to clean air handlers, improve drainage, and take out biocides. u Improve outside air in some areas. u Stop migration of odors. u Control temperature and humidity.
Case History #2
Case History #2 The Government Building. u Broken water lines due to freezing of Air handlers. v Extensive water damage v Hot temperatures v Moldy odors v Visible mold u Question: Sample or Not Sample???
Case #2 Airborne Sampling Results RoomTotal Fungi Penicil. Sp. Clad. Sp. Outside B A B C D
Case #2: Bulk Sample Results u Bulk sample from one room contained Stachybotrys chartarum. u Bulk samples indicated Penicillium and Aspergillus sp. with fungal hyphae.
Questions u Was there a bioaerosol problem? u Why? u Was sampling beneficial? u Why?
Lesson Learned u Sampling may or may not correctly answer the question. u Sampling may not support visual observations. u The more samples the better. u The variability between samples may be great.
Case #3: Same Place, Different Time u What were the results of the remediation? v All water damage was repaired. v All water damaged material was removed. v Ventilation system was repaired and observed. v People were moved out of the facility. u Should sampling be conducted?
Case #3 Airborne Sampling Results LocationTot. Fungi Aspergil. Sp. Cladosp. Sp. Outside A A A A
Question u Was there a bioaerosol problem? v Why?
Blank Results u 148 Aspergillus sp. u 36 Penicillium sp.
Lessons Learned u Take lots of blanks. u Be sure of media source. u Take lots of samples.
Case #4 Institution u Prison where workers had hypersensitivity pneumonitis. u Workers worked in several areas. v Old barn with sever pigeon use. v Old slaughter house v Potato storage area u Sample or not sample?
Case #4 Airborne Sampling Results LocationTot. Fungi Penicil. Sp. Aspergil. Sp. Outside Old Barn Slaughter House 85,760 0
Question u Is there a bioaerosol problem? u Where is the problem?
Lessons Learned u What you see is not always what is there. u Ask lots of questions.