Going to University The best university for you to study at will be the one at which you will be happiest and where you will be able to perform at your best.
Some facts and figures UK universities offer 50,000+ courses now Entry grades may be changed midway through the session depending on pressure for places
How do I make my choices? SUBJECT A school subject (English, History, Chemistry, Maths etc.) A subject closely related to one or more studied at school (Biochemistry, European Studies) A completely new subject (Psychology, Law, Environmental Studies) A professional / vocational course (Medicine, Nursing, Teacher training, Accountancy, Nutrition) A practical course (Hotel and Catering, Audio Systems, Business Studies) The most competitive university with the highest levels of achievement may not necessarily be the best one for you
How do I make my choices? UCAS website Virtual tours Prospectuses Teachers and UK Careers advisor School library
How do I make my choices? Open Days – find out when open days are available at Here you can search for a university - by name - by location - the website also offers institution profiles which are mini prospectuses offering lots more information on individual universities
How do I make my choices? Subject area guides and handbooks The Times Good University Guide The Virgin University Guide Alternative guides Newspaper surveys (The Times, Independent, Daily Telegraph, Observer, Guardian) Good student networking sites e.g. Yougofurther Student room - Need UCAS number in order to access Peer advice on universities (Recommended by Virginia Isaac Acting Chief Executive, UCAS)
How do I make my choices? My 6th year grades – are my grades strong enough for a particular course at a particular university? conversion tables on school website
The Right University Location Do you want to be near your parents or far away?
The Right University ctd. Campus?
The Right University ctd. Or city ?
The Right University ctd. Small or large?
The Right University ctd. Methods of working
Oxford and Cambridge Which college? Do I need to take extra examinations/tests for my subject? Will I be called for interview?
Oxford and Cambridge 30,000 students obtained 3 A’s at A level (equvalent to 8.5 at EB) 3-4 times more interview letters than places are sent out from Oxford and Cambridge Every year c. 10,000 unsuccessful Oxbridge applicants go on to achieve three or more A grades at A level College choice is important but won’t affect the chances of getting in
Oxford and Cambridge Implications for applicants It is critical that applicants: Research the course Pay attention to: The selection criteria – NOT just the standard offer grades The ‘rules’ of the UCAS scheme (closing dates etc.) Read around the subject Motivation/commitment Tailor their applications Are realistic Is the application a non-starter? Is there a back-up plan? Are they prepared for disappointment?
Oxford and Cambridge After you have checked which Oxford/Cambridge colleges offer your course, your choice is really a question of which college suits you best personally. You might like to consider the size of the college (how many students it has) how old or new it is the location (is it in the city centre, or a few minutes away? Is it near your department building, the park, the river or the swimming pool?) Check the college isn’t single sex or only for graduates
Oxford and Cambridge Useful additional information is available from Oxford and Cambridge via the following: prospectus and on websites at If you have any remaining questions, do not hesitate to ask an Admissions Tutor
Your choice The next few years are among the most important years of your life. Remember… This is YOUR life and so it should be YOUR choice! And before you know it…
You have made it!!!!!