Curriculum development for entrepreneurship and associated pedagogy Dr Christine Ferris Sheffield Hallam University
Ruby Slippers Company set up by two female graduates who have MSc Marketing Management. They offer marketing event management work with national and international organisations launching music events and exhibitions.
Endless Promotions Started by a graduate with BSc Hospitality Business Management. Company supplies music and entertainment industry with event management and artists.
"I hear, I forget; I see, I understand; I do, I remember" Homer
LTA strategies
Long lead in time Multi disciplinary visionaries
Long lead in time Course leader Administrator Employer Academic quality Professional body Senior student Educationalist Subject specialist
Long lead in time Librarian specialist IT specialist Technical specialist
Learning Outcomes Tea production Explain how tea is produced Compare the tea production methods between two names tea plantations Critically evaluate the tea production methods employed at a named tea plantation.
The hidden curriculum values standards organisation expectations
Resources academics placement supervisors administrators librarian, IT and technical support
LTA strategies
"I hear, I forget; I see, I understand; I do, I remember" Homer gaming drama problem based learning discussion question and answer answer and question observation practice demonstration
Learning Outcomes Tea production Explain how tea is produced Compare the tea production methods between two names tea plantations Critically evaluate the tea production methods employed at a named tea plantation.
LTA strategies essay poster oral presentation case study workbook annotated bibliography research exam
Creativity - something different