Seeing the Distant Universe in Integral Field Spectroscopy at high redshift 3D Andrew Bunker, AAO & Oxford
After era probed by WMAP the Universe enters the so-called “dark ages” prior to formation of first stars Hydrogen is then re-ionized by the newly- formed stars When did this happen? What did it? DARK AGES Redshift z
B (0.45 m) U (0.3 m) V V (0.6 m) I I (0.8 m) J J (1.2 m) H H (1.6 m) Near Infrared Camera NICMOS HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE z~1 HDF spiral
U (0.3 m)B (0.45 m) I I (0.8 m) V V (0.6 m) J J (1.2 m) H H (1.6 m)
"3D" Spectroscopy Previously used a "long slit" in spectroscopy - cut down background light, become more sensitive Relatively new technique - integral field spectroscopy - arrange elements to survey a 2D area (rather than a 1D line) The spectra gives a 3 rd dimension (wavelength, or velocity)
Integral Field Spectroscopy Cambridge IR Panoramic Survey Spectrograph
What is CIRPASS? Near-infrared integral field unit (spectra over a 2D area) Built by the IoA with support of Sackler foundation & PPARC Wavelengths m (z, J, H): doubles range of Gemini IFU science 490 spatial samples & variable image scales 0.05"-0.33" up to 5"x12" field Large wavelength coverage ( =2200Å) at R~4000: great sensitivity between OH sky lines Limiting line flux on an 8m ~2x ergs/sec/cm^2 (5 3 hours) Successfully demonstrated in August 2002 on Gemini-South telescope, community access 2003A 500 fibres IFU Instrument cryostat On dome floor
Sky "glow" in the near-IR
IFU Science ● Exquisitely sensitive to line emission redshifted between OH ● Star formation at z>1 (H , [OIII]5007Å, H , [OII]3727Å) ● Robust star formation rate measures down to 1M ⊙ /yr ● Rotation curves, kinematics ● Masses, extinction, metallicity ● Nature of damped Lyman- systems at high-z ● Lensed galaxies/dark matter sub-clumping ● Ages of young star clusters
Gemini Integral Field Spectroscopy – Program with Gemini Observatory to demonstrate the power of IFUs (5nights GMOS+8 nights CIRPASS) Large interntational team (CIRPASS observations involve ~50 scientists) lead by Cambridge/Gemini/Durham First demonstration of near-IR IFU science Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge: Andy Bunker(AAO/Oxf), Joanna Smith (PhD student), Rachel Johnson (Oxf), Gerry Gilmore & Ian Parry, Rob Sharp, Andrew Dean etc CIRPASS team Gemini: Matt Mountain, Kathy Roth, Marianne Takamiya, Inger Jørgensen, Jean-Rene Roy, Phil Puxley, Bryan Miller, etc. (Director's discretionary time) Durham: Richard Bower, Roger Davies (Oxf), Simon Morris, Mark Swinbank etc. & GMOS team
Andrew Bunker, Gerry Gilmore (IoA, Cambridge) & Roger Davies (Durham/Oxford) GMOS-IFU GEMINI-NORTH optical: Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph Hawaii June 02 GEMINI-SOUTH Chile Aug '02,Mar/Jun 03
Q Einstein cross Search for dark matter substructure - Ben Metcalf, Lexi Moustakas, Bunker z=1.7 QSO, z=0.04 lens
Substructure at 10 4 M ⊙ <M<10 8 M ⊙ is 4%-7% of surface mass density - high compared to some CDM predictions (but poss. variability/microlensing)
Q Einstein cross Ben Metcalf, Lexi Moustakas, Andy Bunker & Ian Parry (2004, accepted by ApJ, astro-ph/ )
Extended blue light over >5", aligned with radio 3C radio galaxy z=1.2 deep HST im. studied by Spinrad & Dickinson evidence of a cluster size well-suited to GMOS/CIRPASS study emission lines [OII] & [OIII]/H (kinematics) A z=1.2 radio galaxy 3C324 (Joanna Smith PhD)
[OIII] map in 3D of a z=1.2 galaxy (Smith, Bunker et al.) Semi-raw frame Sky (xy) (xz) (yz)
HST B-band (rest-UV) GMOS-IFU [OII]3727 CIRPASS [OIII]5007 HST R-band 3C324 alignment effect, with Joanna Smith (PhD student)
GMOS IFU Spectroscopy Gemini-N 3C324 z=1.21 radio galaxy - "reduced" 2D (still has sky & cosmics, but extracted fibres) 8000Å 8300Å
3C324 3-D data cube [OII]3727 structure has two velocity components at +/-400km/s Wavelength/velocity
HST B-band (rest-UV) GMOS-IFU [OII]3727 CIRPASS [OIII]5007 HST R-band 3C324 - Smith, Bunker, et al. : alignment effect
Galaxy kinematics redshift 1! H map of a CFRS disk galaxy with CIRPASS (Smith, Bunker et al., submitted)
[OII]3727Å doublet, ~300km/s velocity shift Wavelength/velocity z=1 arc 3D data cube
z=1 arc de-lensed Mark Swinbank, Joanna Smith, Richard Bower, Andrew Bunker et al [OII]3727Å velocity map HST/WFPC (B,R,I) F450W, F606W, F814W sky (lensed) de-lensed
Galaxy Kinematics at High Redshift: Why do we care? - For disk galaxies, velocity at flat part of rotation curve correlates with the stellar mass of the galaxy (I- or K-band) - the Tully Fisher relation -How does this scaling relation evolve with time? - In "classical" model, dark halo forms first, and disk forms later: M/L decreases with time. -So circular velocity at a fixed stellar mass less in the past - BUT in hierarchical assembly, make galaxies through mergers, so stellar mass vs. circular velocity follows same relation over a wide range of redshifts - Can test this through rotation curves of z~1 galaxies - Use rest-optical lines redshifted into near-infrared - IFUs ideal - no uncertainty of slit axis vs. galaxy axis
Emission lines ⇒ Star formation rates, metallicity, dust extinction, kinematics
Damped Ly- QSO Absorption Systems Bunker, Warren et al.
Star formation in damped Ly- systems (Joanna Smith PhD)
CIRPASS refereed Publications "Spectroscopic Gravitational Lensing and Limits on the Dark Matter Substructure in Q " R.B. Metcalf, L.A. Moustakas, A.J. Bunker & I.R. Parry ApJ (astro-ph/ ) "Extragalactic integral field spectroscopy on Gemini" A. Bunker, J. Smith, I. Parry, R. Sharp, A. Dean, G. Gilmore, R. Bower, A.M. Swinbank, R. Davies, R.B. Metcalf & R. de Grijs (astro-ph/ ) "CIRPASS near-IR integral field spectroscopy of massive star clusters in the starburst galaxy NGC1140" R. de Grijs, L.J. Smith, A. Bunker, R. Sharp, J. Gallagher, P. Anders, A. Lancon, R. O'Connell & I. Parry; MNRAS (astro-ph/ ) "The Tully-Fisher Relation at z~1 from CIRPASS near-IR IFU H-alpha spectroscopy" J. Smith, A. Bunker, N. Vogt et al. MNRAS 2004
Seeing fluorescence from neutral hydrogen 5" 200Å 20" z em =4.487 Spatially Extended Ly- Emission z=4.5 QSO illuminating its protogalaxy
Extended Ly- , narrow (FWHM~1000km/s) Central QSO (solid line) broad Ly- Extended narrow Ly- (dashed line), no continuum Recombination line probably powered by reprocessed QSO UV flux rather than by local star formation. The HI cloud of the host galaxy is ~>35kpc/h 70 ( =0.3)
SPH simulations, distribution of neutral gas at z~3 (from Katz et al. and Rauch, Haehnelt & Steinmetz). Left box is 22Mpc comoving, 15arcmin; right zoomed x10
Wavelength/Å The catch: very faint low surface brightness The deepest spectrum in the Universe?
Rauch, Haehnelt, Bunker, Becker et al. (2007) Win with IFUs rather than long-slit: MUSE?
DAZLE - Dark Ages 'z' Lyman-alpha Explorer (IoA - Richard McMahon, Ian Parry; AAO - Joss Bland-Hawthorne
"Lyman break technique" - sharp drop in flux at below Ly- . Steidel et al. have >1000 z~3 objects, "drop" in U- band. Pushing to higher redshift- Finding Lyman break galaxies at z~6 : using i-drops.
The Star Formation History of the Univese Bunker, Stanway, z=5.8 Ellis, McMahon & McCarthy (2003) Keck/DEIMOS spectral follow-up & confirmation I-drops in the Chandra Deep Field South with HST/ACS Elizabeth Stanway, Andrew Bunker, Richard McMahon 2003 (MNRAS)
Galaxies at z~6 are small - barely resolved by HST. E-ELT diffraction limit ~0.01” (~50-100pc). See individual HII regions?
What is JWST? ● 6.55 m deployable primary ● Diffraction-limited at 2 µm ● Wavelength range µm ● Passively cooled to <50 K ● Zodiacal-limited below 10 µm ● Sun-Earth L2 orbit ● 4 instruments – µm wide field camera (NIRCam) – 1-5 µm multiobject spectrometer (NIRSpec) – 5-28 µm camera/spectrometer (MIRI) – µm guider camera (FGS/TF) ● 5 year lifetime, 10 year goal ● 2014 launch
NASA/ESA/CSA - JWST ● NIRSpec – ESA near-IR MOS to 5um, 3’x3’ ● NIRCAM - 3’x3’ imager <5um ● FGS (Canada) - has tunable 1% narrow-band NIR filters in ● MIRI - mid-infrared Europe/US (closely similar to HST model…)
Absorption lines at z>5 - a single v. bright Lyman break z=5.5 galaxy, Dow- Hygelund et al (2005), AB=23-24, VLT spectrum (22 hours), R~3000; S/N=3-10 at R=1000,2700 in 1000sec NIRSpec
For I-drops (z~6) would only get ~1 per NIRSpec field bright enough for S/N~3-10 in continuum in 1000sec for abs line studies
Does AO Help you? - If Ly-alpha is compact, AO will boost point-source sensitivity - - Unclear if this will be the case - extended Ly-alpha haloes known, and expected through resonant scattering (see the far edge of the ionized bubble) - -For morphological analysis, unclear that high-tech ELT AO is better than a poorer but better-quantified PSF (e.g. from space) - -If you can’t quantify where 10-20% of the light goes from a centrally-condensed core, that’s the difference between a disk and bulge morphology when fitting Sersic index - -Even worse when looking for QSO host galaxies…
Conclusions - - 3D IFU spectroscopy at high redshift is (finally) realising its potential, but still small sample sizes - -Important as a probe of galaxy kinematics, and spatially- resolved maps of stellar populations, metallicity - - Trace the evolution of the assembly of stellar mass - -Explore the nature of gravitational lenses (dark matter) - - Explore the nature of the galaxies responsible for QSO absorption lines - -In future might see fluorescence of the HI gas - -Compact galaxies at high-z: need AO on ELTs to get real IFU benefit
GMOS-IFU (Swinbank et al. 2003)
Tully-Fisher at redshift 1! Swinbank, Smith, Bower, Bunker et al. HEALTH WARNING! CFRS CIRPASS H Lensed arc z=1 GMOS [OII]